Thinking question Write your answer to this question from the “slavery without submission” reading: What was the most effective (or appropriate) means of resistance to slavery: rebellion, escape, or subtle forms of resistance (slowdowns, sabotage, etc.)?
United states history Class #2, week of April 1, 2019
The conflict with mexico
President Polk’s Plans for an American Empire President James K. Polk When President James K. Polk took office in 1845, he wrote down 3 goals in his journal: 1) Annex Texas 2) Solidify possession of Oregon (a territory disputed with Great Britain) 3) Acquire California from Mexico
The Conflict over Oregon The U.S. and Britain both sent settlers to the Oregon Country in the early 1800s Many people in the U.S. thought it was worth going to war to possess the whole territory (“54-40 or Fight”) Polk negotiated with Britain, and in 1846 the two countries agreed to divide the territory at 49 deg. North Latitude
Annexation of Texas 1836 1845 The northern third of Mexico was sparsely populated Shortly after Mexican Independence (1821), American settlers began crossing the border and settling in Texas The American settlers and Mexican government had disputes regarding religion, slavery, and language Texas fought a war of independence in 1836 The U.S. Congress approved the annexation of Texas in 1845
Polk’s war message May 12, 1846
The wilmot proviso
Options: war with Mexico?