God’s Great Mystery 1 Pet. 1:10-12
God’s Great Mystery 1 Peter 1:10-12
Salvation is Not Limited To The Israelites Romans 16:25-26 Ephesians 3:3-6 Fellow heirs Fellow members of the body Fellow partakers of the promise “in Christ Jesus” “through the gospel”
Revelation of the Mystery spread through preaching Ephesians 3:8-12 Preaching brought to light the administration of the mystery The wisdom of God made known through the church God’s eternal purpose 1 Corinthians 2:7-10 Colossians 1:25-37
When did the full revelation of the mystery happen? Acts 10 10:28 10:34 Peter preached about salvation (10:43, 48) Acts 11:18 “the repentance that leads to life”
The mystery is revealed that we might believe, repent, and Obey The gospel message is for ALL men. Do you believe? Are you ready to repent? Will you be baptized (Acts 2:38; 1 Pet. 3:21) Have you left the relationship of being in Christ? Fear the Lord and do what is right – God will welcome you!