Materiales para la clase de español
Materiales: 1 and 1/2 inch 3-ring binder 5 dividers Pencil bag 8-10 Colored pencils/markers Pencils Pencil sharpener with receptacle Correcting pen Notebook paper Agenda/calendar
Labeling your dividers El foco (Warm-up) El vocabulario (vocabulary) Los apuntes (notes) La tarea (homework) Las pruebas (quizzes)
Have all supplies by next Monday… Aug. 30 ¡Por Favor!
Class Rules Las reglas de la clase Be in assigned seat AND prepared when the bell rings.
Raise your hand at appropriate times AND wait to be called on. Regla #2 Raise your hand at appropriate times AND wait to be called on.
Follow directions AND class procedures. Regla #3 Follow directions AND class procedures.
Be positive, courteous, and supportive. Regla #4 Be positive, courteous, and supportive.
Class Procedures: Take out Tarea/Participacion, Foco, Vocabulario, and pencil. Label Tarea handout and have it out. Begin Foco. Study Vocabulario. Ask permission to get out of seat. Respect instruction time. Follow 10-10 rule. Wait to be dismissed by teacher.
Consequences: Verbal warning Write up #1 (student/teacher conference) Write up #2 (behavior response form, signed by student and parent/guardian) Write up #3 (parent/guardian contact) Write up #4 (office referral)