KinderNews March 28-April 8 Mrs. Coccoma Kg/Track 1 Reminders: I will be sending an email to parents who volunteered for the field trip so please be on the lookout! Have your child read with you books- if they are reading on Raz kids this is a perfect place to have them reading you books on their level. Please work on reading your sight words with your kids. Thank you for working hard with your student on Spelling Test words! What’s Happening: Welcome back!! It is our final track in of Kindergarten!! Literacy: We are really working hard on reading and responding to text! We are especially working on comprehension after reading. Please work on asking your child about the beginning, middle, & end, the characters, etc. We are also working on opinions of stories. Please work with your students about what they like/dislike about stories. Math: We are working on addition and subtraction word problems! We will be spending more time on subtraction in these couple weeks! Upcoming Events: 4/8- Field Trip to Marbles Museum 6/1- Kindergarten Picnic Graduation (More info to come later!)