Greetings and Salutations (These short songs help set the stage for every class. We will often change the vocabulary within a song to match the theme for the month. The familiar routine gets the children engaged and ready to learn Spanish.) Hello / Goodbye (to the tune of London Bridge) Hola means hello, Hola, Hola Hola amigos. Adiós means goodbye, Adiós, Adiós Adiós amigos. Grammar and Vocabulary: We change the song abit and sing amigOs and make an “O” with our fingers and then sing amigAs making an “A”. This begins the process of learning masculine and feminine nouns. For the school unit we are singing alumnOs and alumnAs ( boy and girl students) and profesorA (female teacher).
This song is just like the finger play, “Where is Thumbkin?” How are you? (to the tune of Frere Jacque) Buenos días. Buenos días, ¿Cómo estás? Muy bien, gracias. Muy bien gracias. Adíos. Grammar and Vocabulary: We start by saying “dos dedos” and the children hold up two fingers, “dos dedos listos” two ready fingers and “dos dedos escondidos” two hidden fingers, as they put them behinds their fingers behind backs. Afternoon classes also sing Buenas Tardes / Good Afternoon.
Hello Song (Or the silly song) (Tune: Good Night Ladies) Hola chicos, hola chicas Hola chico /chica, ¿Cómo estás hoy? Bien, mal, super bien (Hello boys, hello girls, How are you today?) Grammar and vocabulary: We are learning that chicos are boys and chicas are girls. Each child is given the opportunity to answer the question How are you today? The children can answer with words or show thumbs up or down to demonstrate comprehension. The children call this the silly song because I do a little happy dance for those who answer “Bien or Super bien” and frown when someone is “Mal!”
Good Morning March Buenos, buenos, buenos días Buenos días clase. (tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic) Buenos, buenos, buenos días Buenos días clase. (Buenas tardes for afternoon classes) Grammar and Vocabulary: We all sit criss-cross on the floor. We begin with “rodillas listas” and the children wiggle their knees. Then we say “brazos listos” and they move their arms. While singing, we march along with the song. Vocabulary includes: Clase - class Alumnos – boy students Alumnas – girl students Profesor – male teacher Profesora – female teacher