Uranus Alyssa Allen
The Plants Name My Planets name is Uranus. Uranus’s name means sky or heavens. Many planets were named after mythological gods. Uranus “s mythological god is Titan.
Position of Uranus Uranus is the 7th planet in our solar system. Uranus has an unusual way of rotating.
Rotation of Axis It takes my planet 17 hours and 14 minutes.
SIZE My planet is big. Uranus is 31,763 miles across.
Gravity A100 pound person would weigh 91 pounds.
Orbit If I was on my planet for year it would take 84 earth years to orbit the Sun.
Atmosphere Uranus has a thick atmosphere.
Temperature The temp of Uranus is different then Earths. Uranus` temp is -371.
Composition and Appearance My planets Appearance is green. It is a gas giant.
MOONS Uranus has 18 moons.
Rings Uranus` has 9 bright rings and some fainter. They were discovered on March 10 ,1977 by James L, Elliot, Edward W, Dunhamy, and Douglas J Mink.
How would a human act on Uranus A human on Uranus would freeze to death or suffocate.
Something Special!!!!! Uranus has storms. I bet a lot of people did not know that .Uranus lays on its side.