3 Kinds of Variables What are the 3 kinds of variables?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
S7L4LES S7L4LES. Describe(explain) the 3(three) kinds of variables(not in Math but Science) the Independent Variable, Dependent Variable and the Controlled (Constant Variable) with at least 80% accuracy(mastery)
Essential Question: EQ EQ: How is scientific knowledge generated & validated?
Independent Variable- something that is changed by the scientist.
The Questions an Independent Variable scientist might ask. What is tested? What is manipulated?
Dependent Variable Dependent Variable- Something that might be affected by the change in the independent variable.
The Questions an Dependent Variable scientist might ask. What is observed? What is measured? The data collected during the investigation…..
Controlled Variable(Constant) Controlled(Constant)- a variable that does not change.
Other Terms for Controlled(Constant) Variable. Also called the constant Allow for a “fair test”.
Make sure to use Cause & Effect in your Summary.