Steering Group Meeting Water Platform Steering Group Meeting Pristina / February 24, 2015
Meeting Agenda Introduction and brief roundtable DANUBIS 2.0 and feedback DANUBIS 3.0 and brainstorming Conclusions and next steps
Introduction and roundtable
For Local Governments: obtain national benchmarks The DANUBIS water platform is an online repository of resources for and about water and sanitation utilities in the Danube region. For regulators, ministries: make information available; obtain international benchmarks For utilities: obtain resources and national / international benchmarks For Local Governments: obtain national benchmarks
DANUBIS data Legend Current link In discuss. Data coll.
Your inputs in last SC (May 2014) Improve interface and flexibility Facilitate peer selection for benchmarking Customize for country realities (currency, etc.) Provide more actionable reports
Available in test form under Rebuilding the whole interface (improved user access, new IB-Net interface) Develop simple utility reports Make it possible for users to upload information and resources Create country portals Add currency conversion feature Available in test form under
Main functions About us
Main functions About us Utility database
Utility database, deep dive Main new features: Completely new interface One click performance report against peers Free choice of currency Easier benchmarking
Utility database, deep dive @ utility level One-click reports Utility indicators Utility benchmarking @ country level Country profile Country report WUPI Coverage (water, sewer, WW treatment) Service Quality (continuity, sewer blockages) Management efficiency / effectiveness (NRW, metering, staffing, collection, cost recovery) All equal weights
Main functions About us Utility database Country Resources
Main functions About us Utility Database Country Resources Utility resources
Main functions About us Utility Database Country Resources Utility resources News, trainings and events
Main functions About us Utility Database Country Resources Utility resources News, trainings and events Login
Country Portals, deep dive Managed by lead institution Similar structure to main page… But fully customizable And in local language
Questions and feedback Which features are most useful and of interest? News, events and trainings Resources Performance reports Utility database Which institutions are interested in developing Country Portal? Which institutions would like to share more utility data? Is it worth, and how can we make the platform more widely known and used?
Main idea 1: improve collection Data collection and management system Web-based Data quality management and control Managed by countries on country portal, with potential link to IB-Net / DANUBIS Customizable but compatible with IB-Net and DANUBIS tools Frequency to be discussed
Main idea 2: improve usage Data processing and analyzing App or better mobile site Red / yellow / green signals More sophisticated benchmarking techniques More one-click reports For the public For mayors For utility companies?
Main idea 3: improve dialogue Web 2.0 interactions Forum of discussion, with questions and answers Wiki-pages on country situation User ratings and comments Integration of State of the Sector results?
Feedback and other ideas? Ideas and discussion Feedback and other ideas? Which countries are interested in which potential feature? Improve collection Improve usage Improve dialogue Should we setup Working group per feature? Should we sign MoU for future developments?
Next steps
May 6th Next DANUBIS SG meeting Next steps DANUBIS 2.0 March 2 Fully functional website Mid-March Your comments on overall website Designation of Country administrators End of March Launch of country portals DANUBIS 3.0 Early March Interest from countries for further features Working group members End of April Working groups discussions, proposals May 6th Next DANUBIS SG meeting Signature of MoU?
Thank you David Michaud / Philip Weller Danube Water Program team