Now create a page in your journal about the first song. 2 February 2015 Before the bell rings, Remove all items from your desk except your journal and a writing utensil. Title—Journal Entry 2: iPod Shuffle 2 Feb. 2015 After announcements: Turn on your ipod/cell phone with headphones, hit shuffle, write the title of the first song that begins to play—no skipping to find a song—put it on repeat. Now create a page in your journal about the first song. You 10-15 minutes
Vocabulary 1 Assignment: Use the context clues to decipher the meaning of the words in bold type: Highlight/mark the context clues (words, phrases, situation that help you understand the word’s meaning), rewrite the word in the blank provided, write a definition of the word based on the context clue(s), during the class review, record the dictionary definition in the blank provided, after the class has reviewed each word, write your own sentence using a different context (situation). Group A Jason squandered his money on video games; not only did he waste his money, he lost his time. Definition (based on context): Dictionary Definition: Sentence:
Vocabulary due Wed. 2/4 or Th. 2/5 Study Island Log into Study Island and make sure you’ve completed the Pretest. Work on practice sessions 2-10: Due 20 February by 4 pm. Complete 10+ questions per session with a minimum score of 70% in order to move to the next session. Homework: Vocabulary due Wed. 2/4 or Th. 2/5
3 & 4 February 2015 Before the bell rings, Sit with your group members. Remove all items from your desk except paper and a writing utensil. Daily Duties: You must decide who will complete the following responsibilities at the beginning and ending of class: One of you will collect and return your group reading log and individually answered questions. LOG One of you will collect and return novels for your group. NOVELS One of you will write the daily group journal log (best hand-writing). SCRIBE Write the duty next to each members’ name on the reading log.
HW: Chapter Guides due Monday (Ch. 1 Black Boy; Ch. 1 & 2 The Help) 5 & 6 February 2015 Before the bell rings, Place your vocabulary HW in the bin. Sit with your group members. Remove all items from your desk except a writing utensil. Complete your daily duty. Counselor Visit @ the end of class. Reading Groups: Read alternately and discuss the text. Write individual answers to the questions. Complete the daily group journal log (best hand-writing) HW: Chapter Guides due Monday (Ch. 1 Black Boy; Ch. 1 & 2 The Help)