Where in the World is Greece? Huddle around and let’s find Greece on the globe.
Greek Government Divided into many small areas called city-states Largest city-state is Athens Land very mountainous, so city-states were separated from each other Each city-state fought with one another and thought that their city-state was better than the other
Greek Government Con’t Each city-state had its own government In Greece, only eligible men were allowed to vote Ancient Greece had what was known as a “direct democracy”
Direct Democracy Ancient Greece had what is called a “direct democracy” Only eligible men born in Athens were allowed to vote on laws that they thought were fair and just
Representative Democracy The United States of America has a “Representative Democracy” Eligible people (men and women who are citizens and 18 years or older) can vote to choose someone who will cast votes in Congress on their behalf In a “Representative Democracy” we are all free to choose our elected representatives
Greek Architecture Ancient Greece is famous for many reasons One reason is that they developed a unique style of architecture (the character or style of a building) The Greeks are most famous for using a variety of columns in buildings to hold and support the roofs
Doric Columns
Ionic Columns
Which type of columns do you see? Parthenon Which type of columns do you see?
Answer Doric!
U. S. Supreme Court Building What type of columns do you see?
Answer Ionic!
What type of columns do you see? White House What type of columns do you see?
Answer Ionic!
What type of columns do you see? Lincoln Memorial What type of columns do you see?
Answer Doric!