Example Dairy CNMP Example Dairy CNMP Speaker Notes: Instructors should thoroughly read the example CNMP to prepare for this presentation. The presentation is primarily a pictorial tour of the farm. Required Course Materials: Example Core Curriculum CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise:
Example CNMP Sections Section 1 – Plan Implementation and Management Options - Highlights for the user the necessary actions to be taken on the farm Section 2 – State Regulatory Requirements - Contains the state specific information included in the plan for permitting and regulatory requirements Section 3 – Plan Documentation - Contains detailed information that can be used by others to understand how the implementation and management actions were developed Section 4 – Supporting Information - Background information and design data Speaker Notes: To be useful for the producer, the regulatory agency, and NRCS, the plan has been divided into 4 sections. The first section is for the producer/farm manager, the second for the regulator, the third and fourth are for plan reviewers and others you may make changes to the plan in the future. Required Course Materials: Example Core Curriculum CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise:
Dairy Farm located in Tennessee Example CNMP Speaker Notes: The example farm is located in East Tennessee. The Core Curriculum team feels that it is the process of developing a CNMP that we are trying to teach and there fore the location, size and type of operation do not matter as long as the plan addresses all of the components. Required Course Materials: Example Core Curriculum CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise: Dairy Farm located in Tennessee
Example Dairy Current lactating herd: 150 cows Expansion to 175 cow lactating herd planned Cows are Holstein Average weight = 1,300 lbs Speaker Notes: At the time of plan development the farm had a 150 cow lactating herd. To meet the producers future needs the plan was developed for a 175 cow lactating herd. Required Course Materials: Example Core Curriculum CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise:
Example Dairy Land Resource Dairy has 110 crop production hectares, but with setbacks there are 102 hectares available for manure application: 54 hectares in corn silage production 49 hectares of forage production Lactating herd on 20 hectares of pasture Speaker Notes: The dairy has 272 acres of available for crop production, but due to setbacks for roads, property boundaries, and water sources the acreage available is 254. The lactating cows are only confined 50% of the time, the remainder of the time they are on pasture. Required Course Materials: Example Core Curriculum CNMP Supplemental Resources: Suggested Learning Exercise:
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