Wolf's Paw News Curriculum News Specials for the Week Week of January 9, 2017 Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast? A: Frosted flakes Curriculum News Upcoming Events and Dates Math – Unit: Measurement I can order and compare the length of objects., and express the length of an object as a whole number of length units. Reading – Theme: Read Like a Detective I can retell stories, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. Anchor Text: Magic Tree House Eve of the Emperor Penguin Basal Story of the Week: Ways People Live Phonics - I can demonstrate an understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds—combination /ur/, soft cedilla /c/, digraph /ow/ and syllable division rule.. Grammar – I can identify and use past, present, and future tense verbs. Writing – I can state my opinion about a topic or book, supply evidence, and provide closure. Social Studies – Unit: Arctic vs. Antarctic I can locate these regions of land on a globe, as I compare and contrast characteristics of each. I can complete and share Arctic or Antarctic animal research. On-going: BES has a parent resource center in the media center for your use. January 13 Penguin Day for 1st grade wear black and white in dress code Popcorn Sale please email karin.manis@bufordcityschools.org, if you can volunteer for the popcorn sale January 14 NO SATURDAY SCHOOL January 16 MLK, Jr. Day Holiday no school January 19 100th day of school 100 year old dress-up day January 21 Saturday School for invited students Specials for the Week D Day B Day E Day F Day A Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Math HW on Monday and Wednesday/Spelling HW on Tuesday and Thursday--test on Friday SPELLING: me, run, thing, take, she’s looking, little, title, will, shell, one, two *BONUS: penguin ROBUST VOCABULARY: grumbling, chided, realized