Dubai, United Arab Emirates Mackenzie Canavan, TJ Kalin, Riley Sunday, Taylor Kovats
Natural History Topography Consists of fine, white sandy deserts Flat coastline East of city dark red sand Farther East Hajjar Mountains (rugged, underdeveloped Local Climate A tropical desert climate; summers are extremely hot and humid.
Biome Factors of Dubai Biotic: Hyenas Desert Hyacinth Juniper Tree Abiotic: Climate Wind Patterns Average Precipitation
Plant Life Near the sandy coasts of Dubai, you will find the desert hyacinth. This is a parasitic plant that will only bloom after heavy rainfall. The flowers are bright yellow. This plant is incapable of photosynthesis because it lacks chlorophyll. This made us think about how we should be storing our rainfall and using it more wisely.
Animal Life Animal life is scarce since the area is mostly desert, but its wildlife includes striped hyenas, falcons, and desert foxes. The striped hyena would be good to the area because even though it has been known to kill its own prey, it is primarily a scavenger It is small in size compared to other species, which helps it not require as much energy to survive in its environment and eat less, thus survive in the desert when food and water may not be as readily available
Energy, Food, and Water Dubai’s economy mainly relies on profit from tourism and petroleum. They import most of their food from across the world, yet some is still home grown Water is acquired through the desalination of seawater and collection of rainwater Dubai uses natural gas, clean coal, and nuclear power for their energy
Waste 1,280 km of sewage pipeline in which the whole city is connected to. 645,000 m of sewage per day gets cycled. In 2009, they had an economic boom which caused the city to stretch is sewers to the limit and people were dumping waste into storm drains but by 2013 everything was back to normal. As a city we would fine people who dumped illegal garbage and waste into our sewers.
Transportation Plan Since work will be primarily in the center of the city, as a city we want more public transportation lines including trains and subways Trains and subways will not only benefit the people by creating less congestion and traffic on their commute to work, but it will reduce individual vehicles on the road and thus reduce pollution Before, Dubai was very well known for its incredible bus system with world record purchases and an extensive taxi service, but our goal is to reduce pollution from individual vehicles such as buses and taxis, we for our city we want to increase our train lines and subway system to commute the people We also want to add more sidewalks to encourage people to walk, run, or bike to work while also continuing to reduce pollution
People Life & Work Housing in Dubai would primarily be located outside of the center of town The center of the city would hold the businesses and stores in which people work and shop The commute to and from work would be an easy route in and out of the center of town
Wildlife Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary is a wetland preserve that attracts migratory birds from all over Europe, Asia, and Africa it represents an enclave of wildlife among a busy and growing city We want a designated area for wildlife to preserve biodiversity and to allow all organisms native to the area to flourish We would recreate this sanctuary to preserve all biodiversity