HR Policies, Systems & Administration Presented by: Tebogo Letseka On behalf of John Hogg - Manager: Policies, Systems & Administration
HR Policies, Systems & Administration Structure John Martin Hogg Manager: Policies, Systems & Administration Tumi Leeuw HR Consultant: Policies, Systems & Administration Tebogo Letseka HR Systems Administrator Who we are Custodians of: Policies & Procedures HR policy development & review Development & review of HR standard operating procedures HR systems Organisation Structure Maintenance Payroll System Employee Self Service Administration HR processes (e.g. Employee Take-on) Payments to employees (payroll)
Salary Administration Topics for Discussion Employee Self Service HR Policies & Procedures Annual Leave Remuneration & Benefits Pension Fund Medical Aid Group Life Salary Administration
Employee Self Service https://zapta01myhr01. nrf View HR Info
Employee Self Service HR Info
Employee Self Service https://zapta01myhr01. nrf View HR Info Update your personal details Apply for leave; View your leave balances Approve employee’s requests (Leave, Training, etc.) Delegate authorisation duties View & print your payslip Use Package Structure tool View and apply for training courses
HR Policies & Procedures Provide NRF employees with the NRF’s philosophy, employment practices and policies, rules and guidelines on the conduct of employees and management in the workplace. Contravention of any of the NRF policies listed may lead to disciplinary action against the contravener. Consolidated document available on
HR Policies & Procedures: Annual Leave Statutory Discretionary Total Annual Leave Accrual (days/per month) 1.25 0.83 2.08 Max accrual p.a. 15 9.96 ~25 Max accumulation 22.5 50 72.5 Use by June of following year Additional leave above 50 will be forfeited. Always take Statutory leave first Discretionary may go into negative at you manager’s discretion! Apply for leave online: Go to Go to My Leave, apply! Remember to remind your manager if your leave hasn’t been approved/declined in 6 days!
HR Policies & Procedures: Remuneration & Benefits The NRF is using a Total Guaranteed Package remuneration structure. All benefits, both compulsory and add-ons, are converted to their cash equivalent: Employees are at liberty to structure their total package in terms of a number of benefit options Cash salary Pensionable salary Non-Pensionable salary Additional Payments Employer contributions to benefit schemes Pension Fund Group life insurance Medical aid
HR Policies & Procedures: Pension Fund Compulsory participation for all full-time and long-term contract employees Minimum pensionable salary = 60% of CTC Employer contribution options: 13% or 16.5% or 20% of Your monthly contribution is a deduction which = 7.5% of The employer contribution forms part of your total cost of employment package. Get familiar with the Pension Fund booklet!
HR Policies & Procedures: Medical Aid Compulsory participation by all full-time and long-term contract employees, unless you are a dependent on someone else’s medical aid. Ask your HR department about what Medical Aid schemes and options are available to you! All medical Aid changes must be reported to your HR Department.
HR Policies & Procedures: Group Life Compulsory participation by all full-time and long-term contract employees. Pays out if an employee passes away while still in the employ of the NRF. Is equal to 1.43% of your pensionable salary. Group Life Spouse - Option to add insurance for spouse @ 0.439% of your pensionable salary.
HR Policies & Procedures: Salary Administration What Who When Frequency Monthly salary All monthly paid employees 25th of the month /15th December* Monthly Salary Review (Cost of Living Increases) All qualifying** employees 1st April Performance Notch Increase Performance score of IPMS 3 or 4 1st October Performance Bonus Performance score of IPMS 4 25th July Once off * Where the 25th /15th falls on a weekend or Public Holiday, salaries will be paid out on the first working day preceding that day. ** Employees must have not received any off-cycle salary adjustments in the period, and must have been employed before 01 Jan of current year Salaries are electronically transferred to an employee’s bank account. Make sure your banking details are correct!
THANK YOU! For any queries contact your HR Department ESS queries: THANK YOU!