Types of Governments
Monarchy ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Decisions carried out by the monarch’s command A clear line of succession DISADVANTAGES Varied quality of hereditary leaders Difficult to run a modern nation because it is too big
Theocracy ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES A single state –supported religion encourages political and social unity Ensures leaders make decisions in line with their citizens’ values and beliefs DISADVANTAGES Citizens that don’t believe in the religion of the majority can have their rights abused Religious warfare can happen between groups of different beliefs
Single –Party State ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Avoids bickering between different political parties Makes passing laws and carrying out government programs easier DISADVANTAGES Views of party members may be very different from interest of the people People with differing political views may shut off political process
Dictatorship ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Power is centralized in the hands of a single military or political leader who can get things done efficiently Put end to political unrest and maintain peace and order DISADVANTAGES Abuse of citizens who oppose dictator’s rule Citizens may demand dictator return control to people leading to riots and civil war
Parliamentary Democracy ADVANTAGES Combining legislative and executive branches to pass legislation Legislation becomes law quickly DISADVANTAGES Lack of separation between branches means prime minister is powerful Lack of public support can weaken power of government
Presidential Democracy ADVANTAGES President directly elected by the people – more responsible to the people Separation of branches allows each group to watch over the other to prevent abuses of power DISADVANTAGES Almost impossible to remove president no matter how unpopular When president is not from same party as legislature – it is hard to reach agreement