Some Experiences and results from EMEP-Intensive- Measuring-Campaigns at Melpitz site (German lowlands, Saxony) Summer 2006 and Winter 2007 – Planned possible measurements for 2008 and 2009 G. Spindler1, L. Poulain1, E. Brüggemann1, T. Gnauk1, A. Grüner1, K. Müller1, Th.M.Tuch3, M.Wallasch2, B. Wehner1, A. Wiedensohler1, H. Herrmann1 1Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany 2UFZ Centre for Environmental Research, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany 3Umweltbundesamt, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau, Germany National contributions to EMEP Database EMEP/TFMM workshop: specification of the next intensive measurement campaign and future plans related to the EMEP monitoring strategy, Dublin 23rd October 2007
measuring field N Klitzschen Melpitz Fotos: Bange September 2001 TU-Braunschweig N Klitzschen (village) Melpitz measuring field View from aircraft to the rural Melpitz site
(November until April) and summer (May until October) at Melpitz site Three years of intensive investigation Evolution of half-hourly PM10-mass concentration and precipitation in winter (November until April) and summer (May until October) at Melpitz site in the least 14 years. The half yearly precipitation sum is plotted as inverse.
Location of the IfT research site in the state of Saxony (Germany) maritime air masses continental air masses Melpitz Location of the IfT research site in the state of Saxony (Germany) (12°56‘ E, 51°32‘ N, Altitude 86 m above see level)
Mean PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations, the concentrations of the main ions (nitrate, sulfate and ammonium) and organic and elemental carbon content (OC and EC) in winter and summer. Only days with air mass transport explicitly from West (blue frame) or from East (green frame) are considered. The error bars are the standard deviation for the particle mass concentration. “n” is the number of days. Averages of three winters (2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07) and three summers (2005, 2006, 2007) are shown. Results DIGITEL Sampler
Time series of daily particle mass concentration PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 Summer-campaign Winter-campaign Time series of daily particle mass concentration PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 (May 2004 until October 2006) with indicator for air mass origin and time-slots for the EMEP winter- and summer-campaign (2006 and 2007)
Meteorological parameters during the EMEP intensive campaigns at Melpitz site Difference from normal climate (1971-2000) for daily mean temparature at the Meteorological Institute of the Leipzig University® 2007 until April 17 2006 Temperature and relative Humidity at Melpitz site June 2006 January/February 2007
Overview of data for the EMEP intensive campaigns at Melpitz site MAAP, Multi Angel Absorption Photometer (Model 5012) TOF-AMS, Particle-Mass-Spectrometer (Aerodyne, USA) Berner, 5-stage-BERNER-type-impactor (mass, water soluble ions, organic and elemental carbon, OC, EC) GRIMM Type ESVC 265, optical detection of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 TDMPS TDMPS (twin-differential-mobility-particle-sizer) with APS (aerodynamic-particle-sizer) in combination with a thermo-denuder █ no data X data available For the AMS also data for 9.,10.,11. and 12. February and for the Berner data also for the 7. February available
Time series and mean values for Summer- and Winter-campaign. Summer (1. June – 30. June 2006) Winter (8. January – 8 February 2007) 30 days 32 days PM10 18.91 + 6.30 PM10 16.60 + 7.28 PM2.5 13.98 + 6.14 PM2.5 12.30 + 7.18 PM1 9.97 + 4.29 PM1 7.71 + 4.41 Time series and mean values for Summer- and Winter-campaign. Results from the daily DIGITEL-Samples for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Mass-concentration
Comparison of half-hourly PM10-measurements of an optical device (Type ESVC 265, Fa. GRIMM, Germany) with daily PM10 data from the DIGITEL N=30 June 2006
Comparison of half-hourly PM10-measurements of an optical device (Type ESVC 265, Fa. GRIMM, Germany) with daily PM10 data from the DIGITEL N=32 January/February 2007
Five-stage low-pressure cascade impactor, flow rate 4.5 m3/h from inlet foil from stage 3 aerodynamic particle diameter [µm] pump Five-stage low-pressure cascade impactor, flow rate 4.5 m3/h Aluminium impaction foils 5-stage-BERNER-type-impactor at Melpitz site
Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (summer) June 2006 2006-06-25 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (summer)
Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (winter) January/February 2007 2007-01-27 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (winter)
Mass minumum lower Quartile upper Quartile mean value maximum Structure of the Boxplot Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements for all 13 measured days in Summer and 15 measured days in Winter (1)
Time profiles and mass fraction
Comparison with PM1 DIGITEL daily filter samples
PM10 Particle mass concentration [ng/m³] Measurements with the MAAP, Example for 10 days in June 2006, minute-means
for the EMEP-summer- and -winter-campaign. June 2006 January/February 2007 Evolution of number size distributions of ambient aerosols (upper figures) and of non-volatile particle fractions behind the thermodenuder (lower figures) as a mean for the EMEP-summer- and -winter-campaign.
We provide data for both EMEP-Intensive campaigns in 2006 and 2007 DIGITEL High Volume Sampler (daily means, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) MAAP, Multi Angel Absorption Photometer (Model 5012) (Minute means) Berner, 5-stage-BERNER-type-impactor (mass, water soluble ions, organic and elemental carbon, OC, EC) (daily means for selected days,13 during summer and 15 during winter campaign) GRIMM Type ESVC 265, optical detection of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 (half-hourly means) TDMPS TDMPS (twin-differential-mobility-particle-sizer) with APS (aerodynamic-particle-sizer) in combination with a thermo-denuder (10 minute means and daily contour plots) TOF-AMS, Particle-Mass-Spectrometer (data in winter campaign available) (5-minute-means) This measurements can be done at Melpitz site also for 2008 and 2009 Plus …
Possible new and modified measurements for the future campaigns in 2008 and 2009 at Melpitz AMS measurements in both campaigns with more focus also on organic speciation (HOA, OOA) (5 minute means) Quasi continuously measurements of OC and EC with the SUNSET LABORATORY’s Carbon Aerosol Analyzer (hourly means for OC/EC) Artifact free sampling of OC/EC (following EUSAAR) – Analysis of OC and EC with C-mat 5500 (VDI 2465 page 2) (daily mean every second day) Monitor for Aerosols & Gases in Ambient Air MARGA (commercial vision of SJAC) for NO3-, NH4+, SO4–, Cl- /HNO3, HCl, NH3, SO2 in PM2.5 (hourly means) (MARGA can be integrated in the 2009 campaign) TEOM® FDMS for nearly artifact free measurements of PM10 mass concentration (10 minute means) NH3-Measurements by photoacoustic (TGA 310) (10 minute means)
! Suitability of Melpitz site The particle mass concentration PM10 decreased up to the end of the 90-ies and remains constant for the last years. The inter annular winter variations are much higher than those of the summers. The Melpitz site is located in the lowlands of Eastern Germany and may be influenced episodically by air masses from Eastern Europe transporting aerosol in the EU with a lot of sulphate, OC and EC especially in winters. Such air masses are the reason for high PM10 concentration episodes in large areas with a typical high PM2.5/PM10 ratio (detection of long-range-transport). The results for Intensive-Measuring-Campaigns at Melpitz site for 2006 and 2007 and the future campains for 2008 and 2009 can be integrated in longtime measurements for PM. Especially the time slot of the winter campaign shows only situations with westerly winds and the Winter 2006/2007 was in Germany extremely mild. The comparison of both campaigns therefore give very untypical results for the Melpitz site. They are differ from that of long-time-observations. !
Particulate Matter reasons We acknowledge the support from the Umweltbundesamt in Germany for the 2006 and 2007 EMEP-Intensive-Measuring-Campaigns (project 351 01 031) and continuation of measurements in 2006/07 (project 351 01 38) We would like to thank Jörn Hanß, Eveline Neumann, Annelie Thomas, Helga Mamczak, Brigitte Gerlach and Anett Dietze. actions
Campaigns in Winter and Summer Time-slots of the summer and winter EMEP-Intensive-Measuring-campaigns in the daily long-time PM10-Mesurements at Melpitz site
Meteorological parameters during the EMEP intensive campaigns at Melpitz site (2) Global radiation and wind velocity at Melpitz site Wind direction and precipitation at Melpitz site June 2006 January/February 2007
Nitrate-concentration Summer (1. June – 30. June 2006) Winter (8. January – 8 February 2007) 30 days 32 days PM10 1.09 + 1.22 PM10 2.96 + 2.31 PM2.5 0.55 + 0.90 PM2.5 2.46 + 2.16 PM1 0.30 + 0.55 PM1 0.66 + 1.56 Time series and mean values for Summer- and Winter-campaign. Results from the daily DIGITEL-Samples for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Nitrate-concentration
Sulphate-concentration Summer (1. June – 30. June 2006) Winter (8. January – 8 February 2007) 30 days 32 days PM10 2.84 + 1.10 PM10 1.72 + 0.97 PM2.5 2.66 + 1.05 PM2.5 1.53 + 2.16 PM1 2.36 + 0.93 PM1 0.85 + 0.62 Time series and mean values for Summer- and Winter-campaign. Results from the daily DIGITEL-Samples for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Sulphate-concentration
Ammonium-concentration Summer (1. June – 30. June 2006) Winter (8. January – 8 February 2007) 30 days 32 days PM10 1.03 + 0.36 PM10 1.20 + 0.92 PM2.5 1.04 + 0.33 PM2.5 1.13 + 0.89 PM1 0.93 + 0.28 PM1 0.86 + 0.66 Time series and mean values for Summer- and Winter-campaign. Results from the daily DIGITEL-Samples for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Ammonium-concentration
2006-06-05 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (summer) June 2006 2006-06-05 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (summer)
2006-06-12 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (summer) June 2006 2006-06-12 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (summer)
2007-01-15 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (winter) January/February 2007 2007-01-15 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (winter)
2007-02-08 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (winter) January/February 2007 2007-02-08 Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements (winter)
Comparison of black carbon determination from DIGITEL- Filters as EC (VDI-2465, page 2) and an optical determination with an Multi Angel Absorption Photometer (MAAP, Model 5012) for the EMEP summer and winter campaigns 2006 and 2007 Database daily means TC = OC + EC
TDMPS (twin-differential-mobility-particle-sizer) with APS (aerodynamic-particle-sizer) Example for one day in June 2006 January/February 2007 Evolution of number size distributions of ambient aerosols (upper figures) and of non-volatile particle fractions behind the thermodenuder (lower figures)
Sulphate Ammonium Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements for all 13 measured days in Summer and 15 measured days in Winter (2)
Nitrate Chloride Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements for all 13 measured days in Summer and 15 measured days in Winter (3)
OC EC Results of BERNER-type-impactor measurements for all 13 measured days in Summer and 15 measured days in Winter (4)