Scientific Inquiry – Chapter #1 Pages 4 - 29
1. Steps of the Scientific Method A. Question B. Hypothesis C. Experiment D. Data Collection E. Conclusion F. Communication * Scientific inquiry must be TESTABLE!!!!*
2. What is an “educated guess”? Hypothesis Would you be able to answer the following also? What is the way to test your hypothesis? - What is the data, facts and figures gathered through observations? 3. What is DATA : Facts figures and evidence
4/5. Qualitative Observations Any observation that cannot be expressed in numbers QuaLitative = Letters Example: Emily is wearing a green t-shirt
4/5. Quantitative Observations Any observation that deals with number QuaNtitative = Numbers Example : There are 5 pets in the room.
6. Prediction vs. Inference Prediction: An educated guess about what is going to happen in the future. Inference: An educated guess about something that is happening or has happened. I think it is going to snow tomorrow – Prediction!
7. Controlled Experiment Independent: The variable being tested. – Water Dependent: The response to what you are testing. – Plant Growth
8. What can you infer happened? Animal Tracks Picture What is the inference in your picture?
9. Making Models Model is a representation of a complex object or process. Example: Globe Useful because it makes things easier to understand and comprehend.
10. Positives and Negatives of Technology Toilet video example: Positive: Toilets make your life easier because you don’t have to go to the bathroom outside Negative: Wastes water and sludge pollution
Living Things – Chapter 2 Pages 32 - 40
The basic unit of structure and function of living things 11. A cell is… The basic unit of structure and function of living things The basic unit of life
12. Four Needs of Living Things Living Space Homeostasis Food Water
13. All Living Things… (Fab. Four) Metabolism Growth Reproduction Response (to Stimuli)
14. Unicellular vs. Multicellular Unicellular – Made of one cell (uni = one) Multicellular – Made up of multiple cells (multi = many) Organisms that are multicellular have the same size cells, just a lot more of them!
Maintaining stable internal body conditions 15. What is Homeostasis? Maintaining stable internal body conditions 17. Examples: Sweating and goose bumps – Your body wanting to maintain a temperature of 98.6 degrees
16. How do Living Things get their Food? Heterotrophic: Organisms that cannot make their own food (ex: Humans and Monkeys) Autotrophic: Organisms that can make their own food (ex: Plants)
Stimulus : Change in the Environment (CAUSE) 18.Stimulus and Response Stimulus : Change in the Environment (CAUSE) Response: Reaction to that change (EFFECT)
19. Who was Francesco Redi? Disproved the idea of spontaneous generation Spontaneous generation: Mistaken idea that living things could arise from non-living things. His experiment was the pieces of meat in jars and saw if flies came and eggs or not
20. Why do Scientists Classify? The process of grouping items by their similarities Scientists use this process so organisms are easier to study Just like a grocery store organizes its items so that they are easier to find
21. Lab Safety What is the first thing you should do if you were to cut yourself in a lab activity? What is the first thing you should do if you were to accidently break something? What is the first thing you should do if you notice some items for your lab experiment are not on your table? TELL MS. LAW!!!
22. What is an example of something you should NOT do in a lab? Running Wearing long hair down Goofing around Throwing things Touching materials without given directions Not following classroom rules