Pick up your Do Now sheet and label the dates 3/27-3/31 Do Now for Monday, March 27 Pick up your Do Now sheet and label the dates 3/27-3/31 and 4/3 to 4/7 Then answer this: How can dictators gain control of their countries? What kind of man are they?
Do Now for Tuesday, March 28 See these guys? Are they important? Why do you think they are(n’t)? What country do you think they ruled? Do you think they are dictators? Why or why not?
Do Now for HUMPday, March 29 In your opinion --- What makes a man a dictator? What kind of characterics would he have? Is a dictator “born” or “made?”
Do Now for Happy TGIFday, March 31 Explain how MUSSOLINI HITLER STALIN Are historically related.