World History March 10-14
Monday Ch. 19 & 20 Assessments
Tuesday Creative Writing Assignment (pick 3) Ch. 19 & 20 Paragraph 1: In your opinion, what technological advancement from these two chapters was most important? Give specific details to explain your decision. Paragraph 2: Excluding Christopher Columbus, which explorer had the most impact on history? Detail what their accomplishments were and why they were significant. Paragraph 3: If you could go back in time, what modern object would you take and why? What would be the consequences of introducing this object during this time period? If this is an electronic item, would you still take it if you knew the batteries would only last 1 day and you would have no way to charge it? Paragraph 4: (Read p. 552 for this one) If you were a Native American, would you have chose to side with the Spanish conquistadors or would you have chosen to side with the Aztecs? Forget that you know the outcome of that battle, but, instead, pretend you were in that situation and given only the facts of the time period. What would you do and why?
Wednesday Notebook p. 23 Ch. 19 Sec. 2 Ch. 20 Sec. 3
Thursday OA: NB # 24 & 25 Get your notebook organized United Streaming: Age of Exploration Due Friday: Ch. 19 & 20 Asst. Creative Writing (4 paragraphs)
Friday 1. Turn in your Ch. 19 & 20 Asst. 2. Creative Writing Assign. 3. Notebook #21-23 If you have not signed up with Edmodo, you have until Sunday night at 8 pm. We will work on 24 & 25 as a class Homework: Read Ch. 19 & 20 Be prepared for a vocab. quiz on Monday (NB #21)