Raise your hand if… You have ever looked at a sunset that took your breath away? Ever seen a flower that makes you smile? Admired an animal for its beauty? Have you ever created something and truly enjoyed the process? Have you ever looked at a piece of art and felt inspired or moved? Have you ever watched a movie and laughed? Or listened to music to cheer you up? Have you been to a play that made you cried?
Aesthetics is the capacity to sense, appreciate, create, and respond emotionally to beauty in both human endeavors and the natural environment.
Can you think of an aesthetic experience you have had?
What exposure have you had to ART? A lot? Some? None?
Good art makes us feel something. It creates an emotional response (aesthetics).
Albrecht Durer-German 1471-1528
James Christensen
We all respond differently to ART. What I like, you may not. That is OK. We can learn to appreciate good art even if you do not like the artist style or work. Start thinking about what inspires you. What type of art do you have an aesthetic experience with? What invokes an emotional response from you?
Frederic Edwin Church Hudson River School 1826-1900
Claude Monet 1840-1926
Charles Henry Turner 1848-1908
If you see art that you like, make a note of it If you see art that you like, make a note of it. You can start a collection of work that inspires you!!!
Why do you like? Why type of Photography makes you feel something? What do you have an emotional response to (aesthetics)? We all can appreciate different types of art.
Remember that the subject is the most important element in your photograph. Find a good one. Something that interests you, something that intrigues or inspires you.
What is an inspirational photograph What is an inspirational photograph? What is inspirational is different to different people?
What might be inspirational to you, is not inspirational to me. A photo that is inspirational is a photo that inspires the individual. When you look at something and it inspires you, then it’s an inspirational photograph. As you take pictures for out weekly assignments I want you to get out and take photographs of things that inspire YOU!
There are opportunity's all around to take amazing photographs There are opportunity's all around to take amazing photographs. You must learn how to see them. Don’t give up!! It takes time and work-All Art does!!!! Just like learning an instrument, music, dance, etc.
All ART uses emotion. You feel something with ART. You make a connection.
ART take practice, persistence, and patience.
I challenge you to work at becoming the best photographer you can be. Go out and find what interests you. Look at photographs in books, magazines, and on the internet. When you find something you really like..ask your self WHY? Why do you like it? Save it as a reference and a goal of what type of art you want to create.
When it is inspirational to you that is Aesthetics!!
Now Your Assignment Go online and find at least 3 photographs that Inspire YOU!!! Find photographs that YOU have an AESTHETIC experience with. Copy and paste the pictures into a Word Document. Write 2 paragraphs about each picture. Explain why it inspires you. What do you feel as you look at it? What do you like about it? Why did you choice it? How can you use this picture to inspire you to be a better photographer? Is it something that you have interest in? Does it intrigue you? How do you appreciate this work of Art? What type of emotional response do you have to this photograph?