TIM BURTON Morgan Waters
A SHORT BIOGRAPHY. Tim Burton, was a quiet kid, born in August 1958 in Burbank California. He was regarded as a introverted, unassuming, uncharismatic person. Who wasn’t quite instep with society. In other words, he was boring. Now our artistic Burton, who hated books but enjoyed painting drawing and watching horror movies (SURPRISE). Graduated in 1976 and went off to the wide world of university. California Institute of Art. Disney had a animation program there and Burton was soon drafted to the Disney team animation. However. He HATED being an animator. Upon this happening he switched to character design. Here he worked with his own projects (that soon became his films), and was soon given his opportunity to direct by the success of Frankenweenie. Thanks to a recommendation by Stephen King, Burton and Paul Reuben ( Pee Wee Herman) began working on a film together. After Burton did a screenplay of BeetleJuice, it led to his first directing job. After working with Reuben on Batman, Burton came up with Edward Scissorhands which caused him to start being taken as a serious artist, nevertheless Batman Returns was a flop, but with the Nightmare Before Christmas, Burtons dreams came true.
I LIED. Moving on, Burton did a tribute to Ed Wood, which one two Oscars , but Burton then fell down hard with Mars Attacks. BUT. He made a comeback with Sleepy Hollow 3 years later. With Burtons current movies, he’s had some bad reviews (planet of the apes) and some respectable ones; Bigfish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, etc. NOW, his personal life. It wasn’t really that well, he married a German artist by the name of Lena Gieske and then divorced her later on, he then started dating Lisa Marne who stared in some of his films (sleep hollow, etc). Both his parents died in a short time of each other, and his relationship with Marne ended. He then ended up dating Helena Carter, and there son was born in October 2003. Tim Burton is currently working on 8 films and is attempting to make Frankenweenie a full length film.
A FILMOGRAPHY. ( A list of films by Burton) Vincent Frankenweenie Pee Wee’s Big Adventure Beetlejuice Batman Edward Scissorhands Batman Returns Cabin Boy Ed Wood The Nightmare Before Christmas Batman Forever James and The Giant Peach Mars Attacks Sleepy Hollow Planet of The Apes Big Fish Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 9 Alice In Wonderland Corpse Bride Sweeney Todd Big Eyes Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Dark Shadows Monsterpocalypse ( A list of films by Burton)
Genres. Drama Documentaries Thriller Shorts Fantasy Horror Action Mystery Biography
WHY I THINK HE IS FANTASTIC. He’s not your average ,ordinary, spontaneous, happy go lucky, lets do movie and have a good time kinda guy. He doesn’t focus on making the film super happy, or pleasing the critics. He does it his way. WHY I THINK HE IS FANTASTIC. He’s also thinks out of the box, and doesn’t generally follow the rules. He comes up with many different things, and doesn’t do what people expect him to do.
YOUTUBE TIME. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4gTvnpO1fM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8zD_tw__Q4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvT1wym97qo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63iuB-cSY7Q&feature=relmfu
FACTS & CRITICS Johnny Depp has been in seven of his films. He has one sibling. Danny Burton. He was an animator for The Fox & The Hound. His middle name is William. Many actors have become close friends of Burton, some he even dated. The point: He develops relationships with his cast and they all have a high opinion of him. Currently, 6% of people hate Tim Burton, His movie style isn’t just of their taste. But majority enjoy his somewhat twisted films. Others find it meddlesome, and “not real film material”. Critics have many different reviews on Tim Burton. And yet, most find his plots, and sense of style refreshing. Some appreciate his wacky, and slightly gothic style.
http://www. google. ca/search http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=tim+burton+movie+photos&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=667&pdl=500&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=j-zWTsS0D8nKiALt4vH_CQ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Burton http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000318/ http://www.timburtoncollective.com/bio.html Bibliography http://www.funtrivia.com/en/Celebrities/Burton-Tim-13980.html