Making Presentations
Before We Present Preparation Clarify your topic by asking for more information – understand what you have to answer Rubric – answer: what are special requirements, format, audience? Brainstorm how you are going to approach your topic
Before We Present Research Look at the ‘recommended’ sources Make a layout plan of what information you need to put in – including timing plan, ie. 5 minutes to fill – what would be the summarizing points you would need to include? When in doubt…start with WWWWW
Before We Present Research (continued) Look at internet, library, videos, radio, newspapers, interviews with people to answer the questions Take notes and put them in the blanks in your timed-out plan – and be sure to note sources for MLA documentation Put information in your own words to make it easier for you to say and explain
Before We Present Finalize your presentation content Make your presentation visuals, handouts (ie. .ppt, signboard) Practice making the presentation out loud and using your materials, visual aids, handouts, etc.
Presenting Timing Eye contact Voice clear and loud Steady pace, smooth Getting the attention of your audience Look for audience involvement opportunities
Presenting Think of your body language, ie. stand straight, be at the front visible, give yourself something to hold onto You can use your hands to make some gestures, but not too many Be confident – when you prepare, you’ve done your best
Presenting Follow your plan and timing – stay focused on track Understand your own beginning, middle and end so that you give cues to your audience – helping them understand Determine whether you will take interrupting questions or tell people to wait until the end
Presenting Summary – the final point, or the one statement that recaps what you concluded from your research Include your personal point on the subject
After Presenting Reflect on how you did, what you would change in the way you prepared, researched, presented Make sure the equipment is put away, copies of handouts are collected for people who missed it