Unity Application Generator How Can I… Generate a variable List from UAG with Initial values using nxslt.exe
Issue I want to generate a list of certain variables from UAG with initial values. I should be able to change the initial values of the variables and import them back into the UAG.
How to do.. Basic explanation UAG supports exporting of project using XML and text format. The format of the exported file with XML can be customized using style sheet. Generation of the a text file can be done by: Exporting the project in XML format. By using standard tool for transforming the XML file into text file with pre defined format can be done by using standard software utilities like nxslt.exe. Using this utility and style sheet, the exported file from UAG can be transformed into text file with required format.
How to do.. In Windows Create a file named “conv” on the “C:” root Copy “nxslt.exe” and “PALInitialvalues.xsl” from archive into the folder “conv”. Create an “transformPAL.cmd shortcut” on the desktop. This command file is available in the archived file. From UAG export, the section of the project from where, the list hs to be extracted into c:\conv Drag and drop UAG export file on the “transformPAL.cmd shortcut” on the desktop. This will create a text file with required variables along with initial values.
How to do.. In Windows In Windows, on “c” drive, please create a folder “conv”
How to do.. In Windows Copy these files : Into the folder “conv” Note: “nxslt.exe”, “PALInitialvalues.xsl” “transformPAL.cmd” Into the folder “conv” Note: In this style sheet, we are extracting variables “Ctrl,Stat1, Stat2,LFWD,InfoShortName” from following two SCODs “MOT1D1S_XML,OPMODE_P10”. Please open the style sheet with any editor to have more details
How to do.. In Windows Create a shortcut of a “tranformPAL.cmd” in desktop of your computer
How to do.. In UAG Open an UAG project and ensure that there are control modules using the SCODs in the style sheet: in this case, please ensure that control modules with SCODs “MOT1D1S_XML” and “OPMODE_P10”are used. Note: If those SCODs are not available then replace the SCOD name in the style sheet with the SCODs which are available in your project.
How to do.. In UAG Export the project ..
How to do.. In UAG …on the “conv” document Chose an export file name
How to do.. In UAG After a success export…
How to do.. In UAG …file was created in a “conv” document here
How to do.. In UAG In the CONV folder, drag the exported file and..
How to do.. In UAG … and drop on the shortcut “transformPAL”
How to do.. In UAG A windows appear, the conversion work When its done press a key
How to do.. In UAG A file “PALUAG.txt” will be created in folder “conv”. The file should look like this: Modify the initial value and import back into the UAG NOTE: The path and the name of exported file can be modified by: Right Click on the cmd file (transformPAL.cmd) Change the word in BOLD on the command line : “nxslt.exe %1 PALInitialvalues.xsl -o c:\conv\PALUAG.txt”