Q1 What a successful L2 learner needs to know Q1 What a successful L2 learner needs to know? Explain communicative competence.
Communicative Competence (Canale and Swain, 1980) Grammatical competence: words and rules What words do I use? How do I put them into phrases and sentences? Sociolinguistic competence: appropriateness Which words and phrases fit this setting and this topic? How can I express a specific attitude (courtesy, authority, friendliness, respect)? Strategic competence: appropriate use of communication strategies How can I express my ideas if I don’t know the name of something or the right verb form to use? Discourse competence (Canale,1983) Cohesion/ Coherence ---How are words, phrases and sentences put together to create conversations, speeches, email messages, newspaper articles?
Q2 Which contextual variables affect L2 production? And how?
Q3 Share your experience of accommodation theory.
Q4 Ellis (1997) suggests the four stages where the nature of variability may change during the process of L2 development. Provide examples.
Language Input To form the stimuli that learners imitate and respond to (Behaviorists) Comprehensive input is necessary (sufficient in itself) for second language acquisition (Krashen) The quantity or frequency of input affects the strength of the network (Connectionists)
Q5 What does the nature of input modifications entail Q5 What does the nature of input modifications entail? And what are the similarities and differences between L1 acquisition and L2 learning?
Q6 Share your experience of interactional modifications in your own class.
Q7 Provide examples of indirect correction.
Q8 How does (interpersonal) interaction facilitates language acquisition/learning? Provide an example of ‘negotiation for meaning’.
Q9 Explain Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development.
Q10 Provide an example of ‘scaffolding’
Q11 Explain and provide examples of ‘acquisition without interaction’ and ‘interaction without acquisition’
Q12 Explain the circumstances of L2 learning in your country (or your own L2 learning)