2 2/27/2014 A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Clinic Enablement – Review of the CE Plan Results of Site Surveys Computer Skills Self-Assessment Tool for DO staff
3 2/27/2014 S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION Ceres All project plans are completed. Plans of specific interest to RCN/WIC Staff: Clinic Enablement Training Disaster Recovery Help Desk Data Conversion Design Phase has begun Ciber working on Vermont configurations Ciber drafting Detailed Functional Design Document (DFDD) – specifics on what we expect Ceres to be able to do
4 2/27/2014 S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION EBT JPM cancelled contract for WIC EBT Does not impact our Fruit and Veggie card VT WIC exploring all options Two other EBT contractors out there Xerox – who will replace JPM as 3Squares EBT Host CDP – who were the second bidder for our WIC EBT Trying to get our next EBT contractor working with minimal delay Good news: Hannaford, Shaws and Price Chopper all will be ready for online EBT by end of summer 2014
5 2/27/2014 C LINIC E NABLEMENT P LAN P URPOSE Details the activities, schedule and responsibilities for making sure facilities and staff are ready for using Ceres and issuing EBT cards. Drafted based on: experience in Mountain Plains States Other examples of transfer of one states MIS system to another state Implementation of our fruit and veggie EBT WIC and IT industry best practices.
6 2/27/2014 C LINIC E NABLEMENT A PPROACH Requirements-Based What is required for Ceres and EBT? (Requirements) What do we have now? (Baseline) What are the gaps/what needs to be changed? (Gap analysis) Make necessary modifications – be it policy changes, hardware purchases, training on the new system, clinic workflow and layout, etc Checklists, checklists, checklists Standardize best practices Avoid overlooking things Systematize the gap analysis and modifications Plan, Do, Check, Act --- Run a pilot, fix problems, then roll out.
7 2/27/2014 C LINIC E NABLEMENT P LAN C ONTENT A REAS Clinic Procedures and Policies New Operations Manuals Redesigned Workflows Roles and Responsibilities Security Procedures Training Responsibility, and Schedule for Staff Training – Geared to functions and responsibilities Participant Training – food choices, card use Content and other details in separate Training Plan
8 2/27/2014 Clinic Infrastructure – District Offices Work space layout Network connectivity and bandwidth Hardware and software readiness Software installation, updates, drivers, et Installations of workstations, signature pads, card devices, printers EBT card inventory Security Role-based system access EBT card storage C LINIC E NABLEMENT P LAN C ONTENT - 2
9 2/27/2014 Clinic Conversion Schedule Pilot – one District Office Roll-Out – one DO at a time, every two weeks Target dates Pilot starting May 2015 Roll-out DO #2 starting in October 2015 Complete Roll-Out in March Celebration May 2016! C LINIC E NABLEMENT P LAN C ONTENT - 3
10 2/27/2014 S ITE S URVEYS Purpose: Assessment of current infrastructure and equipment available Will be used to work with DII, BGS, and Ciber to identify and address gaps in preparing our clinics and work areas DO surveys due February 28 th Outreach clinic surveys due May 2 Update Jeanne as info is collected…. Any feedback on your site survey? (DO roll-call)
11 2/27/2014 N EXT – C OMPUTER S KILLS S ELF - A SSESSMENT S URVEY Allows DO WIC staff to anonymously and confidentially self-assess computer skills and identify areas for improvement RCN requested to announce and promote the survey RCN requested to help colleagues connect with resources to improve skills Jeanne will survey to RCNs Feedback on the draft survey?
12 2/27/2014 W HAT S N EXT ? Subproject: Clinic Workflows and Roles We are reviewing staff and clinic roles in the Mountain Plains States – they are based on use of Ceres (Requirements) Team of DO supervisors will review and compare to current workflows, current staff roles (Baseline) Identify/design roles in VT WIC clinics (Modification)
13 2/27/2014 W HAT S N EXT FOR THE RCN Continue work on Outreach Clinic Surveys Announce and promote computer skills self- assessment for DO staff
14 2/27/2014 N EXT RCN M EETING : M ARCH 27 TH * 12:30 PM -1:30 PM If you will miss the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions etwork Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller