1 WIC Client Transfers Section 2: Transfer Out
2 Learning Objectives Section 2: Transfer Out By the end of this section, you will be able to: 1.List at least two ways to help clients when they plan to transfer to a new WIC clinic. 2.Recall how to print a Transfer Card using Client Services. 3.Describe what happens to the clients record when a Transfer Card is printed.
3 Help clients make a smooth move What might help make a clients transfer to a different WIC clinic a smoother process? List or name your ideas.
1.Remind clients about WIC participation rules. 2.Suggest an approximate date to request the Transfer In appointment so check issuance schedules will align. 3.Issue a Transfer Card. 4.Provide contact information for WIC clinics in the clients new community. 5.List documentation the client is required to bring to the next clinic. 4 Ways to help make transfers smoother Lets explore these further.
5 Dual participation occurs when clients receive and use WIC checks for the same benefit months. Whether the client meant to break WIC rules or not, the client may have to pay money back to the WIC program. Help clients prevent dual participation. Let clients know when they will be eligible to receive more checks and suggest requesting that date for the Transfer- In appointment. Remind clients about WIC rules.
6 Provide phone numbers of clinics located in the clients new community. For Washington clinics, generate and print the Clinic Directory report located in WIC Reports. Provide information about the Transfer In appointment to the client. Bring proof of ID and residency. They are required. Issue a transfer card even when the client is planning to transfer to a clinic in Washington. Staff at the next WA clinic will more easily locate the correct record using the transfer card number. Tip: Ask your coworkers to share how they help transfer out clients. Client within a 30 day grace period? Remind the client to bring missing proofs to the next clinic. If proofs are not provided, staff will not be able to provide checks once the grace period expires. Client have a prescription? Provide a copy of the completed WIC Prescription form to the client. Ask the client to give it to the staff at the next clinic. Here are more ways to help:
7 Client Services supports client transfers. The Washington State WIC Nutrition Programs Client Services software supports client transfers. Highlights: After the in-state transfer process, the clients record at the previous clinic will be termed, will indicate the client has transferred, and any future appointments scheduled at the previous clinic for the client will be deleted. Most Most of the information staff need to process in-state transfers is available without having to contact the previous clinic. Lets explore more about how Client Services supports transfers…
8 Client Services is programmed to automatically include Federally required information on Transfer Cards. You can type additional notes to be included on the printed Transfer Card. When you print the Transfer Card, Client Services will automatically change the clients record status from Active, Presumed, or Enrolled to Termed, plus document the termination reason. This saves time for you, and keeps clients from being identified on the No Activity Report. You can print Transfer Cards for all group members at once, or select individuals from the group and print just their Transfer Cards. Only the names of clients who are eligible to transfer will be included on the screen used to print Transfer Cards. Ways Client Services supports transfers
9 How to print a Transfer Card: 1. Select the client or a group member from the Desktop. 2. From the menu bar, select Client, then Transfer Card.
10 3. Include the group members who need a Transfer Card. Only members within a current eligibility period will display. When all members of a group need a Transfer Card, select [Include All]. Clients included in the Clients Being Transferred box receive a Transfer Card. Separate processes are used to transfer the client. Note: The [Include] button is available once a name is highlighted. When only certain individuals within a group need a Transfer Card, highlight the individuals name and select [Include]. Repeat this step for each person. Tip: Another option is to select [Include All] and move all of the client names to the Clients Being Transferred box, then highlight the name of the individual and select [Exclude].
11 Client Services will generate a view of the Transfer Card for each client that was included. Use the top scroll bar to view each persons Transfer Card.
12 Use the lower scroll bar to select the client on whose Transfer Card the note should be included. Notes can be added that will print on the Transfer Card. Notes typed in this area will be printed on the Transfer Card. Once the card is printed, these notes are NOT saved and are NOT included as part of the in-state transfer data in Client Services.
13 Notes automatically printed on the WA Transfer Card: Missing Proof indicators if a grace period for proof of ID, Residency, Income, and/or Pregnancy was given. Needs Complete Certification for clients in Presumed and Enrolled status. Disqualification start and end dates if pending a disqualification. Migrant income indicator, if applicable. Rx ends date if the client receives prescribed formula and/or foods. The Rx ends date is printed in this area of the Transfer card. Typed notes are printed in this area.
14 4. To print Transfer Cards, select the save icon.
15 [No] = Cancel / Do Not Print No Transfer Cards will be printed for any of the group members. Each clients status remains the same. 5. Answer the verification message: [Yes] = Print The following happens when the Transfer Card is printed: One Transfer Card prints for each group member selected. Each clients status changes to Termed. Transfer is documented as the termination reason. Future appointments are removed from the Appointment Book. Note: The record does not transfer anywhere when [Yes] is selected.
16 Transfer Cards print on check stock. The name of the staff person who generates the Transfer Card will be printed below the signature box. The client signs the check stub to indicate receipt of the card. Signature box The Transfer Card must include a staff signature to be valid. The staff person who generates the Transfer Card is the same person who signs the signature box of the printed Transfer Card.
17 Provide instructions to the client including: Call the next clinic to schedule a Transfer-In appointment. Keep the Transfer Card in a safe location until the appointment. Transfer Cards can only be replaced one time. Bring proof of ID and Residency to the Transfer-In appointment. Remind the client to bring missing proof items if applicable. Do not get more checks until you are eligible to receive them again. Staff: Let the client know the date more checks can be issued. Sign the Transfer Card and have the client sign the stub. Retain the stub and store it according to clinic policies. If the client does not know of a clinic location in the new community, offer to help find contact information.
18 Washington WIC Transfer Cards Transfer Cards provided by other state WIC programs do not look the same as the Washington WIC Transfer Card. Some states issue handwritten Transfer Cards while others print them from a computer. Washington WIC Transfer Cards printed using Client Services include all federally required transfer documentation items.
19 Staff are not allowed to mail Transfer Cards to clients. Staff are allowed to provide the Transfer Card to the client in person. Staff are allowed to provide transfer information to other WIC agencies: verbally (over the phone) by fax by mail Faxing or mailing the Transfer Card? Sign the card. Write on the check stub the agencys contact information and how the card was provided. Store the stub according to clinic policy. Providing information verbally to staff? Note in the clients record the information provided and the staff persons contact information according to clinic policy. Providing transfer information
20 Why cant I print a Transfer Card when the record is in Expired status? According to Federal regulations, only clients within a current eligibility period are eligible to transfer. Clients in expired status are out of eligibility and are not eligible to transfer. Client Services will not allow staff to print transfer cards for clients in expired status. Data will not be found if staff at a different WA WIC clinic search for the clients transfer information. References: Volume 1, Chapter 17- WIC Eligibility (Section 7) One Month Extension to the Eligibility Period Volume 1, Chapter 21 – Transfers/Verification of Certification
21 I printed the Transfer Card before I printed checks! Now the clients status is Termed. What do I do? 1.Select the clients record on the Client Services Find Client tab. 2. From the Client menu bar, select Void Transfer Card. 3.Select the Transfer Card number from the list. Press the [Void Transfer Card] button. 4.From the Client Menu bar, select Reinstate Client. 5. Press the [Reinstate] button. 6. Destroy the Transfer Card. 7. Print checks for the client. 8. Print a Transfer Card for the client. Sorry, there is not an Oops button…
22 You are allowed to print a replacement Transfer Card one time for clients. If the client is in the clinic, use Client Services: 1.Document in the clients record that the Transfer Card was reported lost. 2. Void the lost Transfer Card. 3. Reinstate the client. 4. Issue a different Transfer Card. Notify the client that the Transfer Card can only be replaced one time. Sign the Transfer Card and have the client sign the check stub. Provide the Transfer Card to the client, and store the stub according to clinic policies. What do I do when a client loses a Transfer Card? If the client is on the phone, ask the client to come pick up a replacement Transfer Card or if you know which clinic the client is transferring to, you can offer to provide transfer information to the WIC staff over the phone.
23 Section 2: Learning Assessment Assess your readiness to move to Section 3. You know you are ready when you can: List at least two ways to help clients when they plan to transfer to a new WIC clinic. Recall how to print a Transfer Card using Client Services. Describe what happens to the clients record when you print a Transfer Card. Test your knowledge by answering the questions on the next few slides. Answer each question before moving to the next slide.
24 Test your knowledge! 1.List at least two ways to help clients make a smooth move to a different WIC clinic. What information would be helpful for them to know when they plan to transfer out? List these before moving to the next slide.
25 Compare Your Answers Here are ways to help: Remind the client about WIC participation rules. Tell the client which date additional checks can be issued to help prevent dual participation. Suggest an approximate date to schedule the Transfer-In appointment to help align the clients check issuance schedule. Provide contact information for WIC clinics in the clients new community. List items the client is required to bring to the appointment. Provide helpful documentation such as a Transfer Card or a copy of the clients WIC Prescription Form. Ask the client to bring these to the Transfer-In appointment. How do these answers compare with yours?
26 2. Recall how to print a Transfer Card. How would you print a Transfer Card for Andrew, but not for Amber? Answer this question before moving to the next slide.
27 1.Highlight Andrews name in the Clients in the Group box. 2.Once Andrews name is highlighted, select the [Include] button. Andrews name will move to the Clients Being Transferred box. 3.Select the Print icon. A Transfer Card will print for Andrew, but not for Amber. Compare your answer How do these steps compare with the ones you identified?
28 3. What happens to a clients record when a Transfer Card is printed? Test your knowledge!
29 This is what happens to the clients record when you print a Transfer Card: How do these answers compare with yours? The clients record is terminated. Transfer is documented as the records termination reason. The records status changes from Active, Presumed, or Enrolled to Termed. Client Services will not allow you to print checks because the clients record is in Termed status. Any future appointments scheduled for the client will be automatically deleted from the clinics Appointment Book schedule.
30 4. Transfer Cards must have a staff signature to be valid. Which area of the card do staff sign? Answer this question before moving to the next slide.
31 How does this answer compare with yours? The staff person who generates the Transfer Card signs the signature box on the Printed Transfer card. Compare your answer
32 End of Section 2: Transfer Out How did you do? Need to review again? Thats ok! Tour section 2 again. Ready to start the next section? Great! Transfer Out of Section 2 & move to Section 3: Prescreening Transfers.
33 This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Washington WIC does not discriminate. For persons with disabilities, this document is available on request in other formats. To submit a request, please call (TDD/TTY ). DOH March 2010