View your grade sheet for MP 4. Bellringer May 27 View your grade sheet for MP 4. If you have any questions, write them on a piece of paper to give me so that I can attend to them when I have the time. I don’t have the time at this moment.
What are we doing? 1. Reviewing information from the last class so that the film makes sense today. 2. Watching Dr. Strangelove 3. Completing the viewing guide (except the character chart) 4. Comparing the viewing guide with classmates to fill in holes No, I’m not going back or waiting because you weren’t paying attention.
Ticket out May 27 1. What is your opinion about the military leadership in the film? 2. Think about what Ripper said about how war should not be left up to the politicians. Think about the Clemenceau quote about how war should not be left up to the generals. So,who does Kubrick think should be in charge of war?