The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution 1865-1896 Period 6
Native American Clashes The Plains Indians Buffalo Reservation system – 1850s "Buffalo Soldier“ Sand Creek & Fetterman Massacre Battle of Little Bighorn – 1876 Apache & Geronimo
The Government’s Response A Century of Dishonor Dawes Severalty Act - 1887 Battle of Wounded Knee - 1890 The “Ghost Dance”
New Industries in the West Fifty-niners Mining industry Beef barons (KC & Chicago) The Long Drive
The Sodbusters Homestead Act – 1862 Sodbusters Federal Irrigation New Statehood Colorado N. Dakota S. Dakota Montana Woming Utah “Sooner” State
The Great West Closing of the frontier National Parks - 1872 Yellowstone, Yosemite, Sequoia Western Cities Diversity & Difficulty
American Farmers Cash crops Mechanization of agriculture Deflation – 1880s Subservient to: Weather, Govt, Agricultural trusts, railroads No consolidation
The Populists The Grange – 1867 People’s Party (Populists) Nationalization of RR Graduated income tax Unlimited coinage of silver Coxeyites - 1894 Pullman Strike - 1894
Election of 1896 William McKinley (Rep) William Jennings Bryan (Dem) Gold standard, Protective tariff William Jennings Bryan (Dem) “Cross of Gold,” inflation/free silver Demo-Pop party Fourth Party System Gold Standard Act - 1900