Split Families Marriage and Divorce
What is divorce? What is divorce? Why is divorce a problem in society? Is divorce see differently around the world? What are the consequences/causes of divorce?
Causes and Consequences Money problems Affairs Interfering ex-partners Differences in romantic taste Children from previous relationships Intrusive parents Difference in how conflict is resolved Differences in communication Privacy problems http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/the-nine- most-common-reasons-couples-get-divorce-a6875356.html
Causes and Consequences What are the consequences of divorce? Who loses the most in divorce? THE BASELINE QUESTION: Is divorce wrong?
Research and Present! What are the divorce rates around the world in different countries? Which countries have the highest divorce rates? Which countries have the lowest divorce rates? Why do these countries have their divorce rates? What is the divorce rate in Korea?
Korean Divorce Why are more Koreans divorcing? What are the causes? Are the causes for divorce in the UK different than that of Korea?
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Kenny’s Story What are the problems that Kenny faces with his divorced family? What can Kenny do to improve his life?
Suggestions for people thinking of divorce What compromises or suggestions can you give for people thinking of divorce? In groups, think of five suggestions for people who want a divorce. How does this compare to the reasons that Korean people get a divorce?
Divorce Debate Research and debate these two topics: Is divorce justified/unjustified in some situations? Should divorce be illegal/legal? Make sure to find good sources and have good reasonings for a rebuttal against the other team.