Reception Parents’ workshop welcome Please make sure your phones are on silent. Thank you
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making Relationships Play co-operatively, taking turns with others. Sharing ideas and working together in a small group. Play games that involve turn taking. Show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children. Please help us by: Playing games that encourage turn-taking. Sharing fairly will build their social skills and understanding of being fair.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Managing feelings and behaviour Talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Developing self confidence and awareness. Children are confident to try new activities. They are able to speak in a familiar group. They can talk about their ideas. They can choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help.
Developing Independence How can children gain confidence to try new activities if we always do it for them? How can they speak in a familiar group if we answer for them? How can they talk about their ideas if we don’t ask them? How can they choose the resources they need if we don’t give them opportunities AND train them how to make choices?. How will they know when they do or don’t need help?
Developing Independence we need your help!
Problem: Coats on floor getting dirty and trodden on and … lost hats and gloves. We need children to learn to hang up their coats and take responsibility for their own belongings. How do you do it?
Reading a book 5 tips on how to help our children become independent readers 1) There is no wrong way to do it! Any time you can spend with your child and their reading will help them. 2) 10 minutes every day is perfect. 3) Talk about the pictures, ask questions. eg what do you think will happen next? 4) Use one page to practice their reading – see if they recognize sounds, try blending short words. 5)Ask your child to tell you what happened in the story. What was their favourite bit?
P.E. We start PE after Christmas …Help us out! - How do you teach your child to take their jumper off? Do you teach them to put the arms back through? - How on earth do you teach them to get tights on?! - 30 children - 3 buttons per shirt – that’s 90 buttons to do up.
questions Who will live in the house you’re building? Why do you think the boy decided to follow the giant? What do you think the princess is feeling? How are you planning to attach the brown triangle to the pink one? What do you think will happen if you take that block out of the tower? Ask questions. Leave room for many possible answers and encourage the kind of creative thinking that children will need as they grow up in this complex and fast-changing world.
Solving problems JUSt for fun - you have 1 minute to answer this question! Counting Concentrating Explaining Sharing ideas Talking and listening Challenge Fun Did anyone get more than 34 squares?
Choosing how to learn It’s okay to make a few mistakes. Encourage children to take risks in their learning, try new ideas out and experiment, without fear of ‘getting it wrong’ We learn most when we’re relaxed and having fun. Help your child to build their independence by asking them what help they need rather than doing it for them.
Thank you for attending! Please make sure you have signed the attendance sheet. Any questions?