North America
2 realms based on physical geography and culture United States and Canada Similar geography Highly diverse Similar history Colonized by British and French Mexico More tropical climate Dominated by Spanish colonization
United States and Canada 2nd and 3rd largest countries Make up 13% of total landmass Highly urbanized; 80% live in cities Vast amounts of sparsely populated areas Populations of immigrants and descendants of immigrants USA is world's largest economy and both countries enjoy high standard of living.
Learning Objectives 1) Define the geographic regions of North America. 2) Explain the two dominant climate patterns in North America. 3) Find out which three European countries had the most significant early influence on North America, what parts of the region they dominated, and what their long-term impacts have been. 4) Determine the population distribution of the United States and Canada.
7 Regions of the United States Pacific Coastal Mountains (includes Sierra Nevada & Cascade) Intermountains (river basin/plateau area between Pacific Mountains & Rocky Mountains) Rocky Mountains (largest and most rugged mountain chain) Great Interior Plains (breadbasket of North America) Central Interior Plains (eastern part of Great Interior Plains) Canadian Shield (cold northern interior plains) Gulf Coastal Plains (extends from New York to Texas) Appalachian Mountains (less rugged but more historically significant)
Regions of the United States
Climate Zones
2 Types of Climate Patterns -As you travel from east to west, rainfall decreases until you reach the Pacific Coast. As you travel from north to south, temperatures increase. COLD WET DRY Semi- Dry WARM WET HOT
Rain Shadow Effect 1st type of climate a result of rain shadow effect: Wet air moves west to east; cools and condenses causing rain to fall on the windward side. Now drier, the air continues west; sinks, compresses, and warms. This effect explains the climate of the semi-dry Great Plains.
European Colonization United States a product of European Colonization. Many diverse, complex indigenous groups occupied land before Europeans. Indigenous groups were nearly wiped by disease, weapons, and large numbers of settlers. Most influential European Colonizers: British, Spanish, French
Spanish Colonization Oldest colonial city in North America: St. Augustine, Florida (1564) Colonies in southern United States (Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, California) Method of colonization similar to Central America.
French Colonization Ruled most of Canada and much of the interior of the United States by the late 1500s. French has fewer settlements in the USA, but very influential (New Orleans, Detroit)
British Colonization Although the British came late to North America, most North Americans speak English. First British Colony: Jamestown, Virginia (1607) Initial 13 colonies became powerful enough to declare independence from Britain in 1776.
Population Distribution
USA Population Distribution USA Population growing By 2.5 million per year
USA Population growth lower than global average but higher than most developed countries (Europe for example)
80% of Americans live in cities
Most Canadians live within 100 miles of the USA border
Over time, USA population moving southward and westward
USA Population Growth by State