Medieval Europe
Black Death Famine and Plague Europe enjoyed prosperity and growth during the 1200s. Europe was struck with extremely cold winters and rainy summers which created miserable conditions. Crops rotted in the fields Herds of livestock died from diseases Food shortages occurred creating famine (1315-1322). Many people died from starvation and epidemics.
Plague Comes to Europe A plague spread from Asia across Europe in the 1300s. Plague is a disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people. Black Death was the bubonic plague. Fleas carried a bacteria – rats were the host for the fleas. First broke out in China in the 1330s. 40 to 60 million Chinese died (half of China’s population).
The Mongols greatly encouraged trade. Trade occurred between China, India, the Middle East, and Europe. Silk Road and other trade routes were used by merchants which made it possible for the Black Death to spread quickly. More and more people used the Silk Road and other routes to trade goods from Asia to Europe. Caravans and ships carried rat infested goods which easily allowed the disease to spread quickly.
Eventually, the disease traveled from India to the Muslim territories. By 1346, the Black Death had reached the city of Caffa on the Black Sea. Italian ships carried the plague to the island of Sicily onward to the Italian mainland to the Continent of Europe. Germany, England, and France had cases of the Black Death by the end of the 1340s. Russia, Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia had cases of the plague by 1351.
19 to38 million people were estimated to be dead in Europe between 1347 and 1351 (1:2). Effects of the Plague People were unaware of the cause of the plague. Many people thought God was punishing them for their sins. Some placed blame on the Jews and Germany expelled Jews from their cities.
Economy was greatly affected by the plague. Trade declined. Wages increased due to the lack of workers. Lower demand for food and the prices dropped (food). Landlords had to pay scarce workers more Peasants began to pay rent instead of providing a service. Serfs gained more rights Black death weakened the feudalism.
European Crusaders Byzantine Empire came under attack by an army of Muslim Turks in 1071. Most of the empire was taken by the Muslim Turks. Byzantine emperor asked Pope Urban II for military aid to save his Christian empire. Pope agrees. What is the state of the Church during this period? Why do you think the Pope would agree to help him?
The pope was in hopes of the Eastern Orthodox Church of reuniting with the Roman Catholic Church. The pope, in 1095, asked the European nobles to begin a crusade against the Muslim Turks. Capture Jerusalem and free the Holy Land.
First Crusade Thousands of soldiers on horseback and on foot headed east to reach Jerusalem in 1099. A fierce battle took place. Several regions were conquered and setup kingdoms: Kingdom of Jerusalem (Holy Land), Edessa and Antioch (Asia Minor), and Tripoli (Lebanon). Depended on supplies from Genoa, Pisa, and Venice (Italy).
Second Crusade Third Crusade Muslims take Edessa. General Saladin recaptures Jerusalem in 1174. Failed Third Crusade Failed Europeans organized numerous crusades throughout the 1200s, but they all failed.
Effects of the Crusades Western Europeans were brought into contact with the Byzantines and Muslims during the crusades. Westerners gained valuable knowledge. How to build domes. How to build better ships, maps, and use the compass. Europeans demanded goods such as spices, sugars, lemons, and silk.
Crusades further weakened the feudal system. Nobles sold their land and freed their serfs. Reduced the power of the king. Kings were able to build stronger central governments. Crusades lasted over 200 years and caused bitterness between western Christians and the Islamic world.