Agenda 11/17/17 Text Effect Project: : 2 Text Effect tutorials. See next slide. 2) What to turn in: 1 Source document with: Preview/final image from the tutorial All photos, patterns, etc you used Call it yourlastname-textsource.jpeg Your final 2 text artworks: Yourlastname-text1.jpeg Yourlastname-text2.jpeg 3) Work on your Semester Project: 2 Photoshop Tutorials
Text Effects Project: Complete 2 unique “text effect” tutorials. 1 text effect should visually illustrate a word. 1 text effect should visually illustrate a different word. Browse the text effect tutorials and find 2 complex tutorials to complete. Each should take you at least 45 minutes to complete. Example words: explode, shatter, rust, grow, float, splash, freezing. Include a complementary background or environment. Your word MAY NOT BE the SAME WORD as the tutorial you follow. You must create a new word. You will turn in your final 2 words and the original text effect images from the tutorials you followed.