Student-Run Health Clinic Vision for a student-run interdisciplinary health clinic
Our Vision The Student-Run Health Clinic project is a health equity-based, student-driven interdisciplinary project which is in its establishment phase. Our goal is to provide health services to people in the Point Douglas area of Winnipeg. The residents of this area have been identified as people who have the highest unmet health needs. Our vision in practice is to provide non-judgmental, socially responsible, holistic health services, while allowing students to learn within that context.
Other Student Run Clinic Projects CHIUS (Community Health Initiative by University Students) in Vancouver – first student-run health clinic in Canada (2000) SHINE (Student Health Initiative for the Needs of Edmonton) SWITCH (Student Wellness Initiative Toward Community Health) in Saskatoon
Our Model The clinic will operate out of an existing inner-city medical facility, enabling us to use the host facilitys space, equipment, medical records, etc. The clinic will operate 1 or 2 evening or weekend shifts per week, providing health care at times when it is currently difficult to access. Student volunteers from various health care-related disciplines will provide health care under the supervision of mentors from multiple disciplines.
Our Model Student volunteers from any discipline will socialize with and distribute food to patients in the waiting area. In addition to regular clinic hours, the clinic will host community outreach events such as Womens night, Mens night, and educational workshops. The clinic will be entirely administered and directed by post-secondary students from across Winnipeg.
Our Goal Open the Clinic for weekly shifts in Fall 2008.
Our Funders Winnipeg Regional Health Authority: Committed to funding majority of staff and supplies for first year of operation. University of Manitoba – Faculty of Medicine: Committed to providing administrative support and supplies for one year. University of Manitoba – Medical Students: Committed to donation of $25 per student per year for four years (approximately $10,000 per year). Alan Klass Memorial Program in Health Equity: Committed to funding two students to work on project in Summer Jorgenson Group (owners of Four Rivers Medical Clinic): Committed to $5,000 per year for 5 years.
Structure: Executive Council (elected members) General Council (open to all students) Committees (open to all students): Establishment Community Outreach Funding Public Relations and Communications Student Volunteer Management Research
Executive Council: Provides support and guidance for all clinic activities. Current members were selected based on expression of interest. Will begin electing Executive Council in Spring Membership: 2 Co-Chairs Secretary Treasurer Program Representatives (2 per program) Committee Co-Chairs (2 per committee) 2 Mentor Liaisons
General Council: Will meet periodically (3-4 weeks) to discuss activities of clinic and various committees. Mechanism for providing information and for getting input and feedback from clinic members. Will elect most Executive Council members annually, beginning in Spring 2008.
Establishment Committee: Will oversee the establishment and early operation of the clinic. Major goals for : Identify a location for the clinic. Consult with members of the Point Douglas Community. Work with the WRHA on logistics. Get insurance and policy documentation in place. Develop an online scheduling system for student volunteers and mentors.
Community Outreach Committee: Will develop and host Community Outreach Events for members of the Point Douglas Community. Goal is to host five events during school year. Event ideas: Womens/Mens night Diabetes education Foot care Dental care and hygiene Nutrition on a budget Staying active in inner-city Winnipeg
Funding Committee: Will secure funding for the establishment and operation of the clinic. Will be seeking funding from a variety of sources: Fundraising Events Winnipeg Foundation Thomas Sill Foundation United Way Private Donors Other Post-Secondary Faculties and Schools
Public Relations and Communications Committee: Will advertise the clinic to students, patients, and the general public. Advertising goals: Develop a name and logo for the clinic. Advertise the clinic in post-secondary education and community publications (e.g. Manitoban, Manitoba Medicine, Street Connections newsletter, etc.). Advertise the clinic to local health care professionals. Advertise the clinic to the local media (e.g. newspapers, radio stations, television, etc.). Develop the clinic website.
Student Volunteer Management Committee: Will recruit and train student volunteers to be members of General Council/Committees and to work at the clinic. Major goals for : Recruit students from a range of faculties/schools and post-secondary institutions. Develop an orientation session and handbook for new clinic volunteers. Begin training student volunteers for clinic opening.
Research Committee: Will support research looking at the impact of the clinic on the Point Douglas Community and looking at ways to improve the clinic. Major goals for : Secure funding for summer research projects by post-secondary students. Identify researchers interested in supervising students/conducting research at clinic.
Student Involvement Join the General Council and/or a Committee. Become a Program Representative for your program. Volunteer to help organize or work at one of the Community Outreach Events during this year.
Student Involvement Exposure with an Inner-City Health Care Professional. We are hoping to develop lists of inner-city health care workers who are interested in having students shadow them for a day or series of days. Contact us if you are interested in helping to assemble a list for your program.
Student Involvement Come out to the next General Council Meeting Thursday, October 4 at 5 PM Discuss the clinic and ask questions Become a Program Representative Join a Committee
Want more information? Visit our website: Health_Equity:_Student_Run_Clinic Join our mailing list: student-run-clinic-general
Questions? Feel free to contact us at