Learning Target: Students will provide constructive feedback to each group’s draft proposal to aid in the revision process. Language Objective: Students will review each other’s proposals to help guide the revising of their proposal. Success Criteria: I can provide constructive feedback on other groups’ proposals. I can review and implement feedback from students and teacher in my proposal. I can collaborate with my group to create a final draft of the proposal. Agenda: Constructive Feedback Guidelines Proposal Gallery Walk Group Meeting: Revise Proposal Homework: Hardcopy of final proposal due next class.
Constructive Feedback Constructive Feedback is offering valid and well- reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments in a friendly manner. The purpose of constructive feedback is to improve the final outcome.
Proposal gallery walk Here are some things you may look for in each groups’ proposal: Do they have one, clear solution or answer to the driving question? Did they explain what the solution is, why is should be implemented, and how it will improve the education at RRHS? Did they share their “Need to Know” Questions and provide their research on each question? Did they include each members’ name with a detailed explanation of their role? Did they provide their meeting norms in a detailed and organized manner? Did they provided a general timeline for their project? Did they explain what medium they will use for their project presentation, why they will use it, and how it will persuade the audience of their argument? Did they give specific, detailed, step by step instructions on how the solution should be implemented? Did they provide each group member’s next task, as well as their agenda for next class? Are there spelling or typographical errors? Is the proposal organized, easy to follow, professional, and visually appealing?
*Hardcopy of final draft due next class! In Your groups… Review Agenda Share and revise completed tasks Review constructive feedback Delegate tasks to revise proposal based on feedback, Review revisions Finalize proposal template/ design, and formatting. *Hardcopy of final draft due next class!