Peer assessment is reading someone’s work and offering them advice on how to improve it. How can we do that? Let’s think about it together…. Remember this word: cups
Why CUPS? Let’s explore…. C is for the CaPiTaL lEtTeRs. Please make sure the writer has put capital letters the right places What needs a capital letter? * Proper nouns - Names of places and people * The start of sentences.
“look at them trees over there!” U is for understanding. Does what is written make sense? Some things that we can check are: Correct use of verbs in the right context and grammar. Check the sentences and paragraphs too. Read out loud and check for understanding “look at them trees over there!”
P is for punctuation. Is it correct? Do, you, have, too, many, commas, or too many question marks??????????? Don’t make the reader think you are shouting at them!!!!!!!!!!! Punctuation can also give your writing more PUNCH if you use it effectively.
And finally, S is for the spelling And finally, S is for the spelling. Sometimez wii kan mayk mistaks and tha komputa duznt cach thm. We have to be careful of our own spelling and not rely on the spell check! If you are not sure on the spelling of a word, grab the dictionary!!
Let’s summarize CUPS Capital letters ArE tHeY iN tHe RiGhT pLaCe? Understanding Does the sentence, paragraph, text sound right and make sense? Punctuation Is the punctuation correct? Could a different punctuation be used to enhance the writing? Spelling Is the spelling correct?
What else can we do? When assessing another persons work we have to remember the main point is to be constructive and offer advice for improvement. Use things like: “I like this part, how about trying this…?” “I think you could improve this by doing ….” “Instead of ….., how about this…?” “I think this would work better if you changed..…”
Are you ready to go?