Mirja Peltola 14.3.2019 Introduction to doctoral studies Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme (HBS-DP) Terveys- ja biotieteiden tohtoriohjelma Mirja Peltola 14.3.2019 Introduction to doctoral studies
HBS players: Responsible people UniOGS Dean Harri Oinas-Kukkonen Head of UniOGS UniOGS Vice-Dean Jouko Miettunen General training HBS-DTC Chair Seppo Alahuhta (vice-chair Risto Kerkelä) Leads HBS-DP Degree Programme Directors: Medicine Dentistry Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Biology Health Sciences Petri Lehenkari (MD) & Jouko Miettunen (PhD) Pekka Ylöstalo Thomas Kietzmann Laura Kvist Maria Kääriäinen Degree requirements, course curriculum, admin HBS UniOGS coordinator TBA Guidance, general administration, admissions, PSPs (HOPS)... HBS-DP coordinator Mirja Peltola First-hand contact, field specific training Chief of Postgraduate Education (Johtava koulutusasiantuntija) Marjo Tourula (Faculty of Medicine, FBMM) Katri Suorsa (Faculty of Science) End processes!
Where are we: Everyday contacts in HBS-DP Location: Kontinkangas Campus Doctoral Programme coordinator: Mirja Peltola, room 474B firstname.lastname@oulu.fi Questions, need guidance? Want to give feedback? – Welcome to my office!
Doctoral training: Individually tailored curriculum Total number of credits required for most HBS Degree Programmes: 20-40 ECTS General studies: 4 ECTS Field-specific studies: 16 ECTS Obligatory studies Introduction to Doctoral Training (1 ECTS, UniOGS) Scientific Research and Ethics (2 ECTS, UniOGS) Doctoral training plan (3 ECTS, UniOGS) – During year 1 Research plan seminar (1 ECTS, HBS-DP) – By the end of year 1 Annual reporting and follow-up group meetings (1 ECTS, UniOGS) Optional studies, examples – Take advantage as much as possible! HBS-DP field-specific training – Calendar of Events! Oral and poster presentations in conferences UniOGS optional studies (transferable skills, entrepreneurial skills!) Courses given by other UO DPs or outside of Oulu (e.g. other Finnish Universities, NorDoc, EMBO)
HBS-DP Training framework Field specific studies Practical courses, lecture courses, seminars, symposia, workshops, research camp, conferences, other (scientific) events Language: Mainly in English, some in Finnish Collaboration Local: Faculties; other UO doctoral programmes and organizations; Focus Institute Biocenter Oulu and Medical Research Center (MRC) Oulu National: Clinical DPs of Helsinki,Turku, Kuopio and Tampere; FinBionet… International: NorDoc, Ulm University Germany, … Trainings and events are announced in: WWW: http://www.oulu.fi/uniogs/dp/hbsdp Mailing list: hbsdp@lists.oulu.fi (HBS-DP doctoral students) and other relevant mailing lists + campus ads
HBS Seminars and Events Includes Kontinkangas Campus Seminar Series Guest seminars, Meet the researher, Lunch Seminars, Morning coffees HBS-DP Research Plan Seminars Other symposia and events organized by HBS-DP Credits Sign up for seminar Record the attendance on seminars (date, seminar title, duration, place) Credits: either as indicated in the course programme, or hour-based 0,5 ECTS / 10 h When HBS-DP Calendar of Events, http://www.oulu.fi/uniogs/dp/hbsdp/calendar-of-events HBS-DP email list hbsdp@lists.oulu.fi Why Not only for ECTS, but also: networking, updating, innovating, collaboration!
Research Plan Seminars Where HBS-DP research plan seminars Group/faculty/research unit meetings or seminars When HBS-DP seminars in spring 2019: Feb 25, March 25, April 29, May 27 Why Not only because it’s obligatory but also: presentation skills, publish your research, comments, networking, collaboration… How HBS-DP Research Plan seminars: 1) Presentations preferably in English 2) Supervisors participation 3) Registration: via website (HBS-DP Calendar of events)
HBS-DP: Examples of the PhD level courses in spring 2019 March 11-15 The International Research Seminar in Collaboration with the University of Oulu, 1 ECTS (Digital Health Module) March 11 - April 29 Biostatistiikan perusteet -verkkokurssi tohtorikoulutettaville, 2 ECTS April 4-5 Course (in Finnish): Tilastollisten analyysien jatkokurssi SPSS-ohjelmistolla, 1 ECTS May 14-15 Course: Female reproductive system: what we have learned and what we still need to explore, 0.5-1 ECTS May 13-17 Course: X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of macromolecules: from data collection to structures April 29-May 22 TinyTot project: Impact Camp, 3 ECTS … Follow the updates in the Calendar of events http://www.oulu.fi/uniogs/dp/hbsdp/calendar-of-events
HBS-DP: Examples of the seminars and events in spring 2019 March 19 Guest seminar: Dr. Yoshitaka Fujihara March 21 Morning coffee: Folding towards a healthier tomorrow, Lloyd Ruddock March 25 HBS-DP Research Plan Seminar March 28 Lunch seminar: Robert Winqvist, Ville-Veikko Telkki April 9 BCO Day 2019 April 25 Guest seminar: Dr Anthony Vernon, 11-13 Morning coffee: Large-scale systems epidemiology – what an earth is that?, Mika Ala-Korpela, Johannes Kettunen April 29 May 23 Meet the researcher: Justus Reunanen, Terhi Tapiainen May 27 June 6 Meet the researcher: Gonghong Wei Follow the updates in the Calendar of events http://www.oulu.fi/uniogs/dp/hbsdp/calendar-of-events
NorDoc Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences Network (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland) https://www.nordochealth.net/ Open course market: courses available in the partner organizations Annual Nordic PhD Summit: Next: 2019 NorDoc PhD Summit to be held in Aarhus, Denmark (Doctoral programme travel support can be available) + Other activities TBA
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