Writing Prompt: “This is just to say…” “Where I’m From” imitation If you’re waiting, copy one into your journal, or check out books around room agenda Check-in slip Hold on to found poems “It is known that Whistler when asked how long it took him to paint one of his nocturnes answered: “All my life.” -Jorge Luis Borges “We consider the artist a special sort of person. It is more likely that each of us is a special sort of artist.” –Elsa Gidlow Week 17: 1/16/18 Poems that Play Writing Prompt: “This is just to say…” Genre talk: Why Poetry “Where I’m From” imitation
2 poems that play
Yes, I Live Inside the Piano List other things that open and close. Yes, I Live Inside the Piano Yes, I live inside the piano, but there is no need for you to come and visit me. Katerina Rudcenkova Doors An open door says, “Come in.” A shut door says, “Who are you?” If a door is shut and you want it shut, why open it? If a door is open and you want it open, Why shut it? Doors forget but only doors know what it is Doors forget. Carl Sandburg Come up with 2 things poet Rudcenkova might mean…
Why do we imitate other poets? In every field of art both new and experienced artist imitate work by others. Try it on for size. By imitating we learn about each choice and detail and how it makes the whole work together. What gives it it’s punch? It’s wow factor? This is tinkering with the gears of a clock, following a sewing pattern, you gain experience as you try.
Painters copy famous works of art
Musicians play pieces written by others before composing their own
Dancers practice set moves before choreographing for an audience
We also do it in writing. Imitation.
Writing prompt: “This is just to say..” Invitation to notice List 4-5 things you have done recently that you were almost sorry for, or should have been sorry for, but aren’t
Speed finding: One great/interesting thing in this poem is… The best word or line is ________, because ________ Choose one: What text did you draw your found poem from? What struck your eye about this piece of writing that you thought it would make a good found poem? Describe your thought process. How did you go about choosing & arranging words to assemble your found poem? Describe the change in effect between text and poem. What does your poem highlight, emphasize, keep, or lose from the original text?
What alternate uses can we devise for…a chicken?
Genre talk Why poetry?
Where I’m from