8th Grade Literary essay
Literary Essay prompt- After reading a text, study and consider the themes presented by the author throughout the text. After making inferences about what the author wanted readers to understand, determine how the author reveals a theme through character development. Then, determine a relationship between theme and character development to create an arguable claim about the theme. Use textual evidence to support the claim(s) as you construct a literary essay.
Theme- When we refer to the theme of a book, we are talking about a universal idea, lesson, or message that stretches through the entire story. A theme may show up in a pattern (such as reoccurring examples of beauty in simplicity) or a theme may come through as the result of a buildup (like the gradual realization that war is tragic, not noble). It is often a lesson that we learn about life or people.
Theme Examples Circle of Life Coming of Age Dangers of Ignorance Emptiness of Attaining False Dream Faith versus Doubt Good versus Evil Greed Immortality Loyalty Love Self-sacrifice & Honor Empathy Individual identity Preserving Childhood Innocence
Making a Claim- In Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver, Jonas discovers the emptiness of the utopian society as he learns about everything the community is missing. **Notice how the claim shows the relationship between the character development & the theme.