9 September 2014 Immediately, Place late completed forms in the HW bin You need your journal (or a piece of paper) and a writing utensil—blue/black pen View video, re-watch and annotate, write analysis You have 10 minutes!
English 11: Pre-Assessment This is a QUIZ grade. You have 15 minutes to write a precis statement: After reading and analyzing “Eleven”, you will write a 3-4 sentence rhetorical precis. A rhetorical précis differs from a summary in that it is a less neutral, more analytical condensation of both the content and method of the original text. A rhetorical précis is a brief representation of what a text both says and does. Although less common than a summary, a rhetorical précis is a particularly useful way to sum up your understanding of how a text works rhetorically (Reading Rhetorically 62).
9:30-10-15 11th Grade Class Assembly 10:20-10:40 Review Vocabulary Activity for next class.
HOMEWORK Read and annotate—Nonfiction: from Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington