2nd Stakeholder meeting 11 April 2005 European exchange circle on flood forecasting EXCIFF Progress report
EXCIFF Status Objective Current state-of-play and future needs of flood forecasting in Europe EXCIFF The European eXchange CIrcle on Flood Forecating Composition 22 Members states or Agencies 31 operational centres or organisations 43 focal points
EXCIFF Activities Activities carried out State-of-play, future needs and ideas to go forward 17 reports Synthesis of the reports in 3 themes Flood monitoring and detection practices Flood forecasting procedures & organisation Information for triggering flood warnings
EXCIFF Activities EXCIFF 1st workshop 14th 15th April – Toulouse Short term activities EXCIFF 1st workshop 14th 15th April – Toulouse 31 participants Objectives (starting from the state-of-play) to identify the needs to fulfil in Europe to improve the flood forecasting to share experiences, knowledge and tools to make some proposals on actions to go forward
Longer term activities EXCIFF Future Longer term activities Consolidate 1st EXCIFF workshop outputs Report to the Water Directors Plan further activities for EXCIFF and/or Other exchange circles related to flood risk management