Who is my audience? Age range? What will the meeting room be like? How many people will attend? How will the age, race, religion affect their view of my topic? How familiar is the audience with my topic? How will the audience receive my ideas? What is the longest I can hope to hold their attention? What can I do to inspire the audience to act upon my ideas?
Audience 1 The local chapter of the National Association for Women in Politics This group has 55 members The presentation will take place at their weekly meeting in the high school cafeteria
Audience 2 The Gardening Club This group is composed primarily of older couples who have both flower and/or vegetable gardens This group has 43 active members
Audience 3 A 3rd Grade Class (the local elementary school)
Audience 4 The 12 members of the City Council You will speak as part of their regular session to conduct business
Audience 5 People attending a 4th of July Celebration at the local town park You will be speaking between musical acts on the main stage