15 December 2014 Before the bell rings, Remove all items from your desk—computer, phone, bags, hats, etc.—except your annotated excerpt from Nature. Agenda: Review annotations: Ralph Waldo Emerson from Nature
HW: Complete questions from Self-Reliance 16 & 17 December 2014 Before the bell rings: 1. Place from Nature in the HW bin 2. Remove all items from your desk—phone, bags, hats, etc.—except a writing utensil and a red literature textbook. Agenda: Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Self-Reliance; read and thoroughly annotate utilizing handouts: Basic Annotation, Modes & Patterns, Annotation Rubric (30 minutes) Review and annotate as a class (45 minutes) Journal Entry HW: Complete questions from Self-Reliance
16 & 17 December 2014 Before the bell rings, Remove all items from your desk—computer, bags, hats, etc.—except a writing utensil, Self-Reliance, and your phone. Turn off your phone; I will collect it. Agenda: Review Self-Reliance—submit with additional notes (if applicable). Complete annotation test.