Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Overview Boone County Schools Intro is meant to inform on the process for next year, how all pieces fit together for an evaluation of job performance, and then a focus on the Danielson Framework. This framework is the basis of the “Professional Practice” half of TPGES.
Today’s Agenda Overview and Timeline of 2013-2014 Pilot Full Implementation 2014-2015 Dig into the Framework Self-Reflection First 2 are in the intro, last 2 are led by the pilot teachers in the afternoon.
Boone County Implementation Timeline
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System 2013-14 – Statewide pilot in each district 2014-15 – Statewide implementation without consequences (no use of the system for personnel decisions) Statewide Pilot of Other Professionals 2015-16 – Statewide implementation with consequences (use the system to make personnel decisions) Summary—this year was a pilot for a few, next year is a trial run for everyone in addition to the old evaluation system, and 15-16 is live
The top half contains all parts of TPGES except Student Growth, including: Observation, Student Voice Survey, Professional Growth Plans, Self Reflections, and Conferences/Conversations. Some of the details here are still to be worked out and negotiated, but SGGs are a significant piece of evaluation and is still evolving—different than what the pilot teachers did. We will begin working on SGGs Friday in ILTs and continue in the fall.
The table on the left resolves any differences in performance levels on the Professional Practice Rating, and the table on the right is how the Overall PGES score is determined based on Professional Practice rating and Student Growth.
Time to Talk and Reflect: Thoughts? Things to Share? Questions? Share thoughts, questions at tables and then share out with the group
The Pilot Teachers’ Path Early Fall: Self-Reflections on 22 Components Professional Growth Goal and Student Growth Goal Late Fall: First 2 Mini-Observations Winter: Peer Mini-Observation Spring: Full Observation Student Voice Survey Should look the same next year, but no definite dates set as of yet. Bulk of teacher work is early, and reflections will likely be first piece to complete (maybe within first month). Stress that 22 reflections need to be complete by the start of school.
Our Focus Today: Self-Reflection and the Danielson Framework 22 Components, and one self-reflection for each Complete in Word, transfer to CIITS later Must understand the Framework, and this is time-consuming Not just a task… Reflect on domains 1 through 4 (not 5). Don’t put anything into CIITS until told to do so (at least mid-July, maybe later). Digging into the Framework is time consuming, individual reflections take time and process speeds up as you go. Heard from many that the time taken to reflect has been very valuable and led to some changes—supposed to lead directly into Professional Growth Goal.
Review of Framework Organization Planning & Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Student Growth As a review, the Kentucky Framework is composed of 5 domains. Planning & Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, Professional Responsibilities and Student Growth. The first 4 domains represent the Charlotte Danielson framework. This work is research based and has been determined to be valid and reliable. The last domain is what Kentucky has added - Student Growth. Student Growth is included in Kentucky’s waiver for the No Child Left Behind. The student growth component is currently being reviewed by a number of different subcommittees with teacher representation who will make recommendations, along with the field test group, to the steering committee and KDE on the implementation process. Each domain is broken down into its important components. There are a total of 23 components in the Framework.
Multiple Measures/Framework for Teaching Alignment Here is how the pieces of TPGES fit into the domains of the framework. Note that Domains 1 and 4 come primarily from reflection and conference conversations. Domains 2 and 3 add evidence from observation and the student voice survey.
Domain 5: Student Growth This slide outlines each of the domains and their related components. Our work today will be to overview the 4 teaching domains and prepare/write reflections. For those that have completed reflections this will serve as a refresher and a revisit of your reflections, but also think about one component you would like to work on for your Professional Growth Goal that will most impact student learning in your classroom. Domain 5: Student Growth 5a Student Growth