Middle East History Through Pictures Gallery Walk Terrorism: "The unlawful use of — or threatened use of — force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives." — U.S. Department of Defense
Ottoman Empire
1. “The Ottoman Empire like cancer.” What does this quote mean?
2. What Country ruled the Ottoman Empire. 3 2. What Country ruled the Ottoman Empire? 3. What happened to the country after WWI?
4. What happened to the Ottoman Empire after WWI?
Jew/Arab Conflict
1. The Jews occupied what land? 2. What happened to the Jews?
3. After the Jewish diaspora who occupied the land of Palestine?
4. What happened to Palestine in this picture?
5. What are the religions of the two ethnic groups involved. 6 5. What are the religions of the two ethnic groups involved? 6. What country are the two groups fighting over?
Gulf War
1. What country borders Kuwait to the northwest. 2 1. What country borders Kuwait to the northwest? 2. What oil field could cause a conflict between the two countries? 3. What did Saddam Hussein accuse Kuwait of doing?
4. Who came to help Kuwait in the war?
5. Who was responsible for the Persian Gulf War? 6. Why did the US get involved in the war?
9/11 On September 11, 2001 four commercial planes were hijacked and used as bombs. Two planes hit the World Trade Center in NewYork City.
9/11 One plane hit the Pentagon. One plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Nearly 3000 people, mostly civilians, were killed. Americans finally woke up to the reality of terrorism.
1. Who is the mastermind behind 9-11 attack on the US?
After several years of civil war, an extreme group of Muslims known as the Taliban took over most of Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. The Taliban used a strict interpretation of Islamic teachings to rule the country 2. The Taliban is what country’s government? 3. What is their religion?
4. US believed the __________was hiding Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.
1. What country is Saddam Hussein the president of? War on Terror 1. What country is Saddam Hussein the president of?
2. What are WMD? What country did the US think had them?
The Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction 3. How do weapons of mass destruction affect the world?
4. Why did the US go to war with Iraq in 2003?
US Involvement in the Middles East Why is the US interested in the Middle East? If countries in the middle East aren’t stable (doing good), what will happen to the prices of oil? 1. Why is the US interested in the Middle East?
2. If countries in the Middle East aren’t stable (doing good), what will happen to the prices of oil?
3. The U.S. helped stabilize (make better) countries’ government in the middle east. Why?
When you become a parent you have to take care of your child. 4. How is the US like a parent of Afghanistan?