Fourth Grade News August 13th- 17th Reminders Last week was so great! I loved seeing all of my students back in the classroom. This week we will be adding more homework and a couple of tests. I look forward to another great week with your child! -Mrs. Hill A Peek at Our Week Reading: Love that Dog Skills: Poetry, prefixes, summarizing Vocabulary Words : details, infer, stanza, rhyme, free verse, summarize, respect, depends Spelling Words: blade, gray, past, afraid, magic, delay, amaze, drain, maybe, break, sale, hang, stain, glass, raft, jail, crayon, fact, stale, steak Math: Place Value of Multi-Digit Whole Numbers Vocabulary Words: place value Science: discussing what plants need to survive Vocabulary Words: photosynthesis, chloroplasts, chlorophyll, oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose Social Studies: Vocabulary Words: region, caravel, plain, plateau, abroad Tests this week: Friday—Spelling, Reading August 6th First Day of School 13th Parents & Pastries (New WSE Parents) 7:45-8:15 a.m. 16th- Boy Scout Meeting 4:30 pm 17th Summer Packets Due/ Independence Day (Grade 1-5) 23rd Yankee Candle Kick Off Title I Annual Meeting, 5:30 p.m. 24th- Title 1 Morning Meeting, Bullying Workshop Skate Night 6-9 p.m. 25th- Bellevue Loves Memphis Landscape 9:00 am 30th-31st- Donuts with Dad 7:30 am Reminders *Please send in $14 for technology fees if you did not pay them at registration. *Sign up for class dojo if you haven’t already. *Please fill out your child’s writing consent form ASAP. Contact Mrs. Hill Email: Phone: 901-416-8900 Class Website: Created by: The Little Ladybug Shop