Legislative Politics
Democratic Governments Legislatures legitimize the policies of the executive.
The Canadian Legislature is Bicameral
House of Commons
Members of Parliament Royal Galipeau MP Ottawa Orleans
Royal Galipeau MP Ottawa Orleans Members of Parliament Constituency responsibilities Legislative duties – voting, can introduce private member’s bills The majority of MPs are backbenchers Royal Galipeau MP Ottawa Orleans (Conservative) Paul Dewar MP Ottawa Centre (NDP) David McGuinty MP Ottawa South (Liberal)
Legislative Process
Types of Bills Senate (start with an S) Commons (start with a C) Government/Private Members (and Private)
Majority/Minority Parliaments A majority parliament occurs when one party wins over 50% of the seats in the House of Commons and forms the government (controls the political executive) A minority parliament occurs when one party wins more seats than any other party and forms the government but does not hold a majority of seats
Party Discipline In Canada, Members of Parliament are generally required to vote along party lines The party whip ensures that MPs know how to vote on a bill MPs could be disciplined for voting against their party
Committees Legislative function Conducting Studies Former Prime Minister Mulroney before a Parliamentary Committee
Question Period
Very Partisan--It’s a bloodsport
Role of Media
Fusion of Powers In Canada the Executive and Parliament are linked by the Prime Minister and cabinet The Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers simultaneously sit in both the Executive and House of Commons In Canada, because of party discipline and fusion of power, the Prime Minister is very powerful in a majority government