Chapter 7: The American revolution
America’s Strengths Patriotism of individuals who are willing to give their lives for liberty France hated the British so they wanted to help the Americans George Washington – a great, inspirational leader
America’s Weaknesses Small amounts of soldiers Small amounts of supplies No money
Britain's Strengths Experience in battles Lots of supplies Large amount of troops British troops Hired German soldiers Loyalists Slaves Native Americans
Britain’s Weaknesses The distance between Britain and US British citizens did not want to have a war and pay for it Army had no idea how to fight in America, fought like gentlemen
Questions What were the 3 strengths Britain had? What were the 3 strengths America had? What were the 3 weaknesses Britain had? What were the 3 weaknesses America had?
African American Soldiers Britain offered “freedom” to African Americans if they fought for them Washington did not want African American soldiers, but then changed his mind – “all men created equal” This effort helped stop slavery 15% of soldiers were African American
First Battle Brooklyn, New York – Britain wins and George Washington and his soldiers retreat Americans ran out of food, weapons, and clothing Soldiers gave up
Trenton, New Jersey Washington and troops crossed the Delaware in the ice and snow Captured British troops as they slept This victory got the colonists excited for freedom again
Burgoyne’s Plan Take over the Hudson River Valley by splitting up his army Two big problems: Area was hard to travel through General Howe wouldn’t listen, went with his own ideas
Questions What did Britain do to attract African Americans to join their army? Where was the first “real” battle of the Revolutionary war fought? What icy river did Washington and his troops cross in order to attack the British as they slept? What was the Burgoyne’s Plan? What were the 2 problems with the plan?
Turning Point When British got to the Hudson River Valley, they lost the battle to the militia France was now an ally to the US
Tide Begins to Turn Valley Forge in Winter: Soldiers had no food or clothes, but got stronger with help from the French Battle of Monmouth: Washington and his troops fought and won, but Britain escaped into New York City
War Goes South British moved south to conquer, changed strategies Guerilla warriors helped America in battles Warriors did not fight in big battles, they snuck around and killed British soldiers and left, they were like ghosts Washington moved his troops to Virginia and was met by French Allies Cornwallis – British Army Leader surrendered to America and the battle was won
Treaty of Paris (1783) Great Britain had to see the US as an independent nation Britain gave up ALL land from the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi River and from Canada south to Florida US agreed to return ALL property taken from Loyalists
Cost of Freedom 6, 200 killed in battle 10,000 died from disease 8, 500 were prisoners Total: 24, 700 men gave their lives for freedom A small price to pay for freedom
Questions During the winter at Valley Forge, who helped the Americans get stronger? During the Battle of Monmouth, what city did the British escape to? What were the American militia troops compared to because they would fight then disappear? In what state did the American troops meet up with their allies? Who were their allies? What were the 3 parts to the Treaty of Paris? How many American soldiers were killed or taken as prisoners in the Revolutionary War?