Project Honduras Copan, Honduras 2012 AHMEN Alabama Honduran Medical Educational Network Dr. Tom Camp General Coordinator,
Year 1(1998) 12 people, 1 medical team, 1 Alabama church
14 years later (2012) 20 teams2 sewing schools medical dental4 micro-enterprises eye glasses and vision evaluation1 deaf school water filtration systems1 home for at risk girls evangelism19 libraries 6 feeding kitchens financial sponsorship of 20 individualswarehouse in Honduras seminars: 4 leadership and community development 1 Pastor development 1 International Medical Seminar a computerized data base for monitoring patient visits staging area in USA 3 full time AHMEN personnel in Honduras 2, 40 ft containers shipped down from USA Supply Christmas to 3,000 kids in Honduras A 501(c)3 for tracking finances- construction and supply the First Garifina Hospital
AHMEN: Growth and Safety Key to Growth and Safety? 1. partnering - 2. caring- 3. prayer-
Two areas Mechanism of Growth Sustainability
Mechanism of Growth TEAMS - PROJECTS
Mechanism of Growth Team-Project TEAMS - PROJECTS Team 1 + State + Hond+ Hond Clinic + Project 1 NGO NGO
Mechanism of Growth Team-Project Team 1 splits into two teams: now have: Team 1 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 1 Team 2 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 2
Mechanism of Growth Team-Project Teams 1 and 2 each split off new teams: now have Team 1 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 1 Team 2 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 2 Team 3 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 3 Team 4 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 4
Mechanism of Growth Team-Project Teams 1, 2, 3, and 4 each split off new teams: now have Team 1 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 1 Team 2 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 2 Team 3 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 3 Team 4 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 4 Team 5 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 5 Team 6 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 6 Team 7 + State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 7 Team 8+ State NGO + Hond. NGO + Hond Clinic + Project 8
Mechanism of Growth Team-Project etc, etc, etc until this year (2012): 20 teams 50 projects
Mechanism of Growth Team-Project Each team is encouraged to develop their own project based on the needs of the area they work in and desires of the local people Each team is encouraged to split as soon as possible Each team is expected to return totheir village
How do we sustain our growth? Prayer-Partners-Teams- Communication Most, but not all, of our teams are based out of churches (different denominations) and have a serious evangelism component and are sustained by prayer form their church or organization both before and during their time in Honduras.
How do we sustain our growth? Prayer-Partners-Teams- Communication Partnering with: Most teams are made up 1/3 to 1/2 of Hondurans 1. Churches in USA 2. NGOs in USA 3. Churches in Honduras 4. NGOs in Honduras 5. Individuals from Honduras Cuba The States
How do we sustain our growth? Prayer-Partners-Teams- Communication Teams: the building blocks of AHMEN 1 trained leader 2 mentor next generation 3 Annual retreat: all team members 4 Grow and split 5 Each team needs a project 6 Each project/team has voting place on BOD 7 Each team/project is self funded
How do we sustain our growth? Prayer-Partners-Teams- Communication Communication: A key to sustainability Web page ( Team Reports on web page. Team Facebook Page Project Facebook Page Reports from Honduran to web page Blogging - a big Plus Newsletter quarterly
How we maintain security ? Prayer-Partners-Teams- Communication Work hand in hand with the local Hondurans - at all time Be Proactive: Travel in groups. Go with Hondurans when you travel. NO night travel Prayers from Home Teams
AHMEN: Whats next? Whats Next? Lets work ourselves out of a job?