Animal Farm Chapters 9 - 10
Chapter 9 Study Guide
1. How does the prospect of retirement inspire Boxer to work harder? He was going to turn 12, which was the retirement age set for horses, within the next year. He wanted to see the rebuilding of the windmill before he retires.
2. Why do the animals think that these days are better than the days under Jones? Squealer would read off “statistics” that prove that Animal Farm is better than Manor Farm, and that they are actually getting more than they did with Jones. They also can barely remember how life really was when Jones was around.
3. What species of animal is increasing in number? Decreasing? The pigs start to grow in number. The hens can barely hatch enough chicks to keep their numbers at the same level.
4. What is significant about only the young pigs being educated, and their being discouraged from playing with the other young animals? The education of the pigs shows a definite divide in classes. Only the “rich” were educated, and Napoleon is making sure that the rest of the animals do not educate themselves. This ensures that the “rich” stay “richer” and the “poor” stay “poorer” Napoleon would not want the piglets interacting with other animals because they are not a part of their “social class”.
5. What do the pigs’ green tail ribbons represent? Their loyalty and privilege from the republic. It is ironic because Mollie was chastised for wearing her ribbons, as they were a symbol of slavery to Jones, but these piglets wear the green ribbon as a symbol of honor.
6. How was the president of the New Republic elected? Napoleon was elected as the New Republic president unanimously….because there were no other opponents.
7. What happens to Boxer? If Boxer symbolizes the loyal working class, what is Orwell saying about their role in a communist economy? Boxer gets shipped off to the “knacker” or horse-slaughterer. Squealer convinces the animals that he is getting sent to a hospital, but in reality, they are sending him to the glue factory. Orwell is making a commentary that as long as the workers can work, they are useful. However, the second they are no longer useful, they will be gotten rid of promptly.
***POLITICAL INNOCENCE*** 8. Why were the animals willing to believe the stories Squealer told them about the circumstances of Boxer’s death? He comes up with a convincing story of how the veterinarian bought the old slaughter cart. NOTE: This does not necessarily mean that the animals believe what Squealer is saying. This just means that the animals are choosing to not question it. ***POLITICAL INNOCENCE***
9. How do the pigs use Boxer’s death to further promote their arms? Squealer tells the other animals that all Boxer wanted was to see the windmill finished before he dies. Napoleon also uses Boxer’s two maxims to guilt the other animals into working harder. He specifically tells them that it would be smart to adopt these maxims for their own. “I will work harder” “Comrade Napoleon is always right.”
Chapter 10 Study Guide
1. Had any of the animals retired? Do you think they ever will? No. In fact, most of the original animals have now passed away, none having retired. *Opinion: No. They eventually stop talking about retirement of animals altogether.
2. According to Benjamin, what is the one unalterable law 2. According to Benjamin, what is the one unalterable law? How does this remind you of Old Major’s speech in the beginning of the novel? “Things had never been, nor ever could be much better or much worse – hunger, hardship, and disappointment being” Old Major says that their lives are “miserable, laborious, and short.”
3. Although the animals’ living conditions have not improved, what one thing do they feel proud about? The animals feel proud that no one controls them. They truly believe that they are their own masters.
4. What dreams do the animals still have at the beginning of the chapter? What happens to destroy this hope? The animals have hope that their lives and living conditions will get better and better. The pigs form a peaceful bond with the humans and begin walking on their hind legs. They change the sheep’s bleating from: FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD to FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BETTER.
5. List the changes for Animal Farm announced by Napoleon during the party with the humans. Animals were no longer allowed to address each other as “comrade”. Animals would no longer march past the boar’s skull in the garden on Sundays. The green flag with the hoof and horn is now simply a green flag. “Animal Farm” would return to its rightful name “Manor Farm”